reverie-rs / reverie

trace and intercept linux syscalls.
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Missing command-line arguments cause panic #52

Closed loganwendholt closed 5 years ago

loganwendholt commented 5 years ago

If reverie is run without all of the required command-line arguments, I would expect to get an error message explaining what was missing, along with a usage message showing me the proper command format.

Instead, reverie currently generates a panic in this scenario, as seen in the following example:

$ ./target/debug/reverie ls
thread 'main' panicked at '[main] tool not specified, default to none', src/libcore/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.

To remedy this, the clap .required(true) function call could be added to the existing CLI definitions on all the required arguments:


                .help("choose which tool (/path/to/lib<TOOL>.so) to run, default to none ( if not specified. ")


                .help("choose which tool (/path/to/lib<TOOL>.so) to run, default to none ( if not specified. ")

Making this change would result in the following behavior when an argument is missing:

$ ./target/debug/reverie ls
error: The following required arguments were not provided:
    --tool <TOOL>

    reverie [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <PROGRAM> --tool <TOOL> [--] [PROGRAM_ARGS]...

For more information try --help

The new .required(true) line should be added to all required arguments' .arg() entry.

wangbj commented 5 years ago

Thanks, fixed with: 9eba788