reverie-rs / reverie

trace and intercept linux syscalls.
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Update dependencies #65

Closed jasonwhite closed 4 years ago

jasonwhite commented 4 years ago

syscalls was updated to fix a build issue.

wangbj commented 4 years ago

Should Cargo.lock be checked in? I thought we should only check in Cargo.toml, what do you think?

jasonwhite commented 4 years ago

Yes it should be checked in for binaries, but not libraries. In this case, Cargo.lock is used to build reverie the binary.

wangbj commented 4 years ago

Hmm, it seems rustfmt has Cargo.lock checked in while clippy doesn’t: Unless there’s a good reason I’d prefer not to check in Cargo.lock

rrnewton commented 4 years ago

Without cargo.lock how can you guarantee that any particular CI execution is reproducible in the future?

We might not care, as CI has a transient nature. But it seems like we should get in the habit of following the philosophy of reproducible workflows based on immutable data.

jasonwhite commented 4 years ago

I think clippy is a special case:

As @rrnewton said, the main reason to commit Cargo.lock is for reproducible builds. (Cargo.lock is already in reverie btw.)