reverie-rs / reverie

trace and intercept linux syscalls.
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Update procfs dependency #72

Closed eminence closed 4 years ago

eminence commented 4 years ago

This commit updates procfs to version v0.7. The previous versions of procfs would panic if it encountered a bug or assertion failure. This new version no longer does this (and so is much more friendly), and instead it will simply return an error.

The change to how errors are handled was itself not an API breaking change, but this new version also changes the module layout a bit. All of the code changes in this PR are due to this API change.

As the author of the procfs crate, I thank you for using it, and hope this pull request helps keep this dependency up-to-date.

wangbj commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the PR @eminence, much appreciate for the fix for panic :)