reverse0x90 / edCTF

CTF Web Framework Using Ember and Django
Apache License 2.0
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ember: fix ember serve issues #3

Open clevernyyyy opened 8 years ago

clevernyyyy commented 8 years ago

x64x6a commented 8 years ago

Adding sudo seems to work:

sudo ember s --output-path /opt/edctf/edctf/static/ember

I don't feel that this should be a solution though since it makes all the ember files owned by root, which can be very annoying...

Since django handles edctf back-end queries, we can't really use ember s to actually serve our JavaScript, but just to easily re-build it. Is that correct or is there some way to have it interact with django?

clevernyyyy commented 8 years ago

Since django handles edctf back-end queries, we can't really use ember s to actually serve our JavaScript, but just to easily re-build it. Is that correct or is there some way to have it interact with django?

I'm not positive what you're asking here, but I want to understand, explain it next time we talk. Also do you know off the top of your head if we can ember b? Because that would rebuild the project easily enough if we have no need for ember s.