Closed someone--else closed 5 years ago
would like to move forward a bit with this
Rust client doesn't support jpeg snapshots of RTSP stream relay. I was able to get it running on an axis camera though. Got new axis build system halfway working using ACAP on docker
Rust rtsp client looks really interesting and probably would be handy be a library. Have you considered decoupling it to a separate cargo library?
@skrzepto no but that sounds like a fine idea. want to do it?
Added builds and integration tests for both Rust and C clients to Travis CI. Builds/tests are done via a docker image (travis-ci/Dockerfile) with all the required tools since Travis currently doesn't offer anything newer than Ubuntu 14.04 to run on and that makes Python/GStreamer too complicated; hence an image based on a more recent Ubuntu where everything needed is available via packages