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docs: draft new 2023 AUP #11

Open insertish opened 9 months ago

insertish commented 9 months ago

The goal of this PR is to explicitly declare all (or at least as much as we can think of) content which is unacceptable on the platform to eliminate any source of confusion.

Some changes for reading clarity are also included.

So far I've only explicitly added hate speech and I stole the protected characteristics list from Discord, it's a pretty good exhaustive list but I don't think we can just lift it 1:1, though I don't see why we should omit anything from the list either?

Closes #11 Closes #5

insertish commented 8 months ago

Things that are still missing based on open issues & just a cursory glance through what other platforms also control:

I think all of these are covered by law anyways, but it'd be good to include them.

Discord also has a more explicit list of protections against themselves such as:

Oh also, we should probably include off-platform behaviour when dealing with certain types of reports.

insertish commented 7 months ago

Actually credit to Discord for going above and beyond on both explicitly tackling misgendering / deadnaming & transparency (see further down):

The 3rd article points to the source:

“You may not post, share, or engage in: Repeatedly using slurs to degrade and demean individuals or groups. This includes deadnaming or misgendering a transgender person,” the platform’s policy section explains.

Which points to, which looks like a genuinely excellent resource, apparently this has been up since late October but isn't promoted anywhere(?).

Also, TIL Meta already has these sorts of policies:

A poll in July found that 44 per cent of millennials in the US believe intentionally misgendering someone should be a criminal offence, and many social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram owners Meta, now ban misgendering and deadnaming . Twitter, however, has chosen to roll back similar policies since Elon Musk took over, prompting GLAAD to say that the move was “out-of-step” with leading social media platforms.

Edit: reading through the outrage on Reddit, tldr common complaints are:

NB. this is already covered under the hateful conduct policy proposed but we could look into having in-depth policy information for all of our rules like Discord.

insertish commented 7 months ago

Also I have redrafted the AUP into a different format, click here to go straight to it (still writing it / then needs proof-reading).

ghost commented 4 months ago


I feel like most social media outlets especially discord don't have clear rules to protect autistic users this has lead to people feeling like they can troll and belittle autistic users without punishment.

IV drafeted an idea on updating the terms to prevent this it's not perfect but I feel with a bit of editing it can help.

__Ablisim And Inclusion****

Please reframe from I gauging in discrimination of users based solely on if they have autism or depression.

This includes the following

Rexogamer commented 4 months ago

This feels better suited as a server level ruleset to me - I imagine some of these would be very contentious as platform level rules (for example, the bit about talking about personal issues - not all communities are equipped to deal with these sorts of conversations), and I'd say the bit about discriminating against autistic people is already covered by our discrimination/hate speech policies

ghost commented 4 months ago

This feels better suited as a server level ruleset to me - I imagine some of these would be very contentious as platform level rules (for example, the bit about talking about personal issues - not all communities are equipped to deal with these sorts of conversations), and I'd say the bit about discriminating against autistic people is already covered by our discrimination/hate speech policies

I feel like social media needs to protect autistic users more especially end to end chat applications as in my personal experience it seems like people feel like they are entitled to exclude and mock people who are depressed have autism etc.

Every application has rules regarding harassment, discrimination, hate speech etc however it never includes autistic users.

Along with race, identity, spiritual beliefs etc being protected shouldn't autistic users be included in this?

Rexogamer commented 4 months ago

Our hate speech policies already cover disabilities - this in turn covers autism

ghost commented 4 months ago

Our hate speech policies already cover disabilities - this in turn covers autism

I completely understand that the terms cover hate speech harassment etc, however Discord also covers this yet ignores ablisim reports we could mabey have a section or blog post educating people on autism?

Zomatree commented 4 months ago

That sounds like an issue you need to take up with Discord, our policies already cover this case, and any violation of it you can report.

ghost commented 4 months ago

That sounds like an issue you need to take up with Discord, our policies already cover this case, and any violation of it you can report.

I wanted to choose because they listen to feedback discord doesn't, I don't understand why I'm the only one who sees ablisim as a terms issue for all social networks and apps?

IAmTomahawkx commented 4 months ago

I wanted to choose because they listen to feedback discord doesn't, I don't understand why I'm the only one who sees ablisim as a terms issue for all social networks and apps?

The issue that you've brought up is already covered by our policies, and is enforced as such when we receive reports of misconduct. Discord not acting upon such reports on their platform is entirely unrelated to us. If you've encountered such behaviour, please report it using the in-app reporting options, or by emailing .

ghost commented 4 months ago

I wanted to choose because they listen to feedback discord doesn't, I don't understand why I'm the only one who sees ablisim as a terms issue for all social networks and apps?

The issue that you've brought up is already covered by our policies, and is enforced as such when we receive reports of misconduct. Discord not acting upon such reports on their platform is entirely unrelated to us. If you've encountered such behaviour, please report it using the in-app reporting options, or by emailing .

The report function did nothing i notified moderators in the chat but it was ignored. I have multiple tickets about this issue. I genuinly feel it would benifit social media companies to incourage users to be inclusive to those on the specturm. If most people feel comfortable on the app that would help grow the user base even more

DeclanChidlow commented 4 months ago

I have multiple tickets about this issue

I may be misremembering, but your tickets didn't mention any unactionable reports until your latest. It's very hard to action them as it seems you didn't submit any formal reports at the time and you have since deleted your account.

We want to improve the experience for everyone but you haven't been able to offer any suggestions for how we can be more accommodating. Unless you have specific, actionable, suggestions I don't think it's worth taking this conversation further.

Talk to server admins and ask them to improve their rules if you see it necessary, and know that our policies already cover most of your concerns.

ghost commented 4 months ago

I have multiple tickets about this issue

I may be misremembering, but your tickets didn't mention any unactionable reports until your latest. It's very hard to action them as it seems you didn't submit any formal reports at the time and you have since deleted your account.

We want to improve the experience for everyone but you haven't been able to offer any suggestions for how we can be more accommodating. Unless you have specific, actionable, suggestions I don't think it's worth taking this conversation further.

Talk to server admins and ask them to improve their rules if you see it necessary, and know that our policies already cover most of your concerns.

I find it very interesting that society is very quick to accomidate people of the LGBTQ community as they should and that's a very good thing, yet when people with autism, depression etc inquire about accommodation were met with the same lines "victum", "snowflake", "not everything's about you" etc.

I'm not saying this is the case here I'm thankful that the team has allowed this conversation and listened to these concerns.

While I fully understand this is a complex issue and that there are terms regarding harassment bullying etc. Iv seen these terms unfortunately backfire on nearly all social networks that's why I firmly believe all networks can benifit from accommodating autistic users as best as they can.

In terms of free speech concerns I don't believe in censorship and I believe everyone is entitled to say and post whatever they like, however belittling people and excluding people for speaking about personal issues should not be tolerated online.

I hope you understand I do apologise for taking up alot of space I felt like this idea needed to be discussed as I feel this is a very important social issue.

DeclanChidlow commented 4 months ago

@therealdylansteele You continue to insinuate that Revolt is not doing enough to tackle these issues. Could you please outline exactly what action you would like us to take? From Revolt's point of view everything necessary is covered as well as it can be.

ghost commented 4 months ago

@therealdylansteele You continue to insinuate that Revolt is not doing enough to tackle these issues. Could you please outline exactly what action you would like us to take? From Revolt's point of view everything necessary is covered as well as it can be.

I feel like a blog post or section near the terms of service just reminding people to be more understanding of those with autism, depression etc.

I understand that the terms covers alot of this however people online feel like they are entitled to ban or make fun of autistic users therefore unfortunately it has to be made clearer to the user base. This applies to all social networks not just

DeclanChidlow commented 4 months ago

Hate speech is already touched on in our current policies and is further covered in our upcoming ones. We already action reports on it.

It's already made very clear on the platform that harassment isn't tolerated. Unless you have any further suggestions, I think discussion has come to an end.

ghost commented 4 months ago

Hate speech is already touched on in our current policies and is further covered in our upcoming ones. We already action reports on it.

It's already made very clear on the platform that harassment isn't tolerated. Unless you have any further suggestions, I think discussion has come to an end.

Understood I'll tap out of this thread because I feel like Iv gotton too worked up about the suituation which I do apoligize for.

The admin team has my email address from my tickets. If anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to use that or my github email on my profile.

DeclanChidlow commented 3 days ago

Updated option. @insertish Needs proper formatting, spell checking etc, but that isn't worth doing to a draft subject to change.

Last updated: 16. July, 2024

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