revpriest / listman

An email-list manager for NextCloud
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 2 forks source link

Share Mailing Lists #12

Open chrisSCM opened 2 years ago

chrisSCM commented 2 years ago

I have created a mailinglist, but others don't seem to be able to see it.

Is it possible to share lists with groups or members? Like sharing files.

If not - would be nice to have! Otherwise this is only useful on a personal basis, doesn't make much sense to have it in a collaboration context.

Thanks for your efforts!

revpriest commented 2 years ago

The mail-lists are indeed viewable only by the person who created them.

Can see how being able to share them with selected other users could be useful, and certainly will gladly accept any patches.

Ain't nobody on my server to share 'em with though, so probably not likely to do the work myself any time soon I'm afraid.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I just test your app and hit the same problem.