revpriest / listman

An email-list manager for NextCloud
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 2 forks source link

Received InvalidUnicodeValueError #13

Closed jlgarnier closed 2 years ago

jlgarnier commented 2 years ago


The script looks great and I tested it on a Win10 machine with Python 3.9.4. I tried to download an album from Deezer (token set) and got the following error message: ` InvalidUnicodeValueError

Invalid unicode value at line 3 col 13

at C:\Program Files\Python39\lib\site-packages\tomlkit\ in _parse_escaped_char 893│ self.inc_n(len(ue) + 1) 894│ 895│ return u 896│ → 897│ raise self.parse_error(InvalidUnicodeValueError) 898│ 899│ raise self.parse_error(InvalidCharInStringError, self._current) 900│ 901│ def _parse_string(self, delim): # type: (StringType) -> String

If this was unexpected, please open a Bug Report at`

Does this relate to my local config or is there anything I should further configure in the .oml file?

Thanks in advance for any help!

revpriest commented 2 years ago

Suspect this is the wrong repo? This Listman isn't written in python, and I don't think uses any python libraries. Not directly certainly.

I also don't really know what Deezer is, or why you'd want to download an album into the mail-list manager.

So, probably bug-report is in the wrong repo?

jlgarnier commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the mistake, it's the wrong repo indeed (too many tabs open)! 😳