revpriest / listman

An email-list manager for NextCloud
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Queued Messages #22

Open mrknister188 opened 7 months ago

mrknister188 commented 7 months ago

Hi, I have 26 queued messages but a rate of 224 per 5 minutes and no current warnings how can I delete the queued messages and set the counter to 0. Thank you very much for the help and greetings

revpriest commented 7 months ago

Hummm, dunno what could cause that sort of thing.

You can mark them all as having been sent by doing this to the DB:

update oc_listman_sendjob set state=1;

Or if you want to clear them all you can delete those entries.

Might be worth trying to find the job ID of that send and deleting only those for that job.

Assuming it's the most recent message composed:

select max(message_id) from oc_listman_sendjob;

should get you the ID of that message, then deleting or editing all those with that message_id may clear the queue?