revsystems / jQuery-SelectBox

A modern replacement for the traditional select element. Increases flexibility and stylability.
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Targeting specific ID #27

Closed JayTurn closed 13 years ago

JayTurn commented 13 years ago

Please forgive me for asking such a noob question but how can we select individual id's? I have tried a number of combinations, including setting up a custom function to getElementById but it doesn't seem to work for me. Is there a built in function for selecting Id's that I am missing?

revsystems commented 13 years ago

Not sure what your specific situation is, but I'm assuming you have something like the following markup...

<select name="my_name" id="my_id"><option>First option</option><option>Another option</option></select>

jQuery-SelectBox requires jQuery and operates on jQuery objects. jQuery's syntax to get this specific <select> in this situation would be $("#my_id"). It uses a css-selector style to pick out elements in the document.

Is that what you're asking about?

JayTurn commented 13 years ago

Sorry for the late response revsystems. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks very much for the explanation, this is truly an awesome solution. Appreciate the great work you put in to this.