revsystems / jQuery-SelectBox

A modern replacement for the traditional select element. Increases flexibility and stylability.
72 stars 16 forks source link

Theme support? #30

Closed MV10 closed 6 years ago

MV10 commented 13 years ago

Have you thought about supporting jQuery UI themes?

I've been looking at various jQuery options for styling select elements for several days now, and I keep coming back to this one for a lot of reasons -- but from a first glance at the CSS, I suspect I'm facing a ton of work to make it visually compatible with our UI theme. Just wondering what your thoughts are about that. Nice work though.

revsystems commented 13 years ago

That's a good idea and something I'll look into shortly.

MV10 commented 13 years ago

Fantastic. You're probably aware of this, but:

I may have some time to look into this myself in the next few days.

MV10 commented 6 years ago

Cleaning up old stuff.