rewardenv / reward

Reward is a Swiss Army knife CLI utility for orchestrating Docker based development environments.
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Docker error after upgrade #67

Closed Mr-Leonerrr closed 2 months ago

Mr-Leonerrr commented 3 months ago


Hi, I upgraded reward to v0.6.0, but now, when trying to start any environment or just view the environment information, I get several error messages related to Docker. Is it necessary to perform any additional process after upgrading?

-- reward info image

-- reward env start image

System Information

INFO reward version: 0.6.0 INFO GOOS: linux INFO GOARCH: amd64

Docker information

Client: Cloud integration: v1.0.35+desktop.11 Version: 25.0.3 API version: 1.44 Go version: go1.21.6 Git commit: 4debf41 Built: Tue Feb 6 21:13:00 2024 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Context: default

Server: Docker Desktop Engine: Version: 25.0.3 API version: 1.44 (minimum version 1.24) Go version: go1.21.6 Git commit: f417435 Built: Tue Feb 6 21:14:25 2024 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false containerd: Version: 1.6.28 GitCommit: ae07eda36dd25f8a1b98dfbf587313b99c0190bb runc: Version: 1.1.12 GitCommit: v1.1.12-0-g51d5e94 docker-init: Version: 0.19.0 GitCommit: de40ad0

janosmiko commented 3 months ago

Hi @Mr-Leonerrr

Could you show me which reward version do you use?

reward version
Mr-Leonerrr commented 3 months ago

Sure image

janosmiko commented 3 months ago

Please run a forceful upgrade and try again:

(sudo) reward self-upgrade --force
Mr-Leonerrr commented 3 months ago

It says that my version is not the latest 🤔


janosmiko commented 3 months ago

That's not a problem, if you run it forcefully it will upgrade it anyway.

Mr-Leonerrr commented 3 months ago

Okay, now is working again. I started the project directly in the Docker Desktop interface, when I use reward env start is throws an error with the traefik container, even when the service container is running image


janosmiko commented 3 months ago

Probably you should shut down and start the project again, because in this release we changed from docker compose v1 to v2.

reward env down
reward svc down
reward svc up
reward env up
janosmiko commented 3 months ago

Hi @Mr-Leonerrr ,

Have you tried these commands in the last comment? Can we close this issue?

Mr-Leonerrr commented 3 months ago

Hey @janosmiko! I've not tried it yet, since I have several projects that could be affected if I go through this process. We can close the issue and any situation I will be leaving the comment, thank you very much for your answers.

Have a great day 🚀

Mr-Leonerrr commented 2 months ago

Hey @janosmiko!

I tried running the commands. First, the reward env down -v command imagen

And then, the reward svc down and reward svc up imagen

Maybe related with the Docker version?

janosmiko commented 2 months ago

Hi @Mr-Leonerrr

Could you check your docker desktop if the traefik container is stucked there (or something is running that's binding to port 80)?

Mr-Leonerrr commented 2 months ago

These are the services that were activated, the traefik container appears "created".


Mr-Leonerrr commented 2 months ago

It seems that some Windows service is using that port, which blocks the use for another service. I solved it by changing the port in the configuration file (\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-22.04\home\my-user\.reward.yml) to port 81 and then rerunning reward svc up (it sets the port to the default one, so have to change again to 81 after run)


Thanks a lot for the support!