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Deskless detail feeds api changes #132

Closed yatishTrootech closed 1 year ago

yatishTrootech commented 1 year ago
yatishTrootech commented 1 year ago

Response of comment field in post detail API:

- New Response would be:

{ "comments": { "count": 10, "next": "http://localhost:8000/api/comments/?page=1", "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 72, "content": "zjsjsi", "created_by": 25, "created_on": "2023-04-03 12:28:56", "modified_by": 25, "modified_on": "2023-04-06T04:11:38", "post": 104, "commented_by_user_info": { "pk": 25, "first_name": "Jeet", "last_name": "saini", "departments": [ { "name": "nuhs parent dept 2" } ], "profile_img": "/static/img/profile_img.png", "full_name": "Jeet saini" }, "reaction_types": [ 0 ], "liked_count": 1, "liked_by": [ { "user_info": { "pk": 25, "email": "nuhs@parent.user2", "first_name": "Jeet", "last_name": "saini", "departments": [ { "name": "nuhs parent dept 2" } ], "profile_img": "/static/img/profile_img.png", "full_name": "Jeet saini" }, "created_on": "2023-04-03" } ], "has_liked": false, "tagged_users": [

    "images": [

    "documents": [


} }

This new response might break existing calls of API which were using comments field from this API 

Current ```"comments": []``` (list)
New ```"comments": {}``` (dict)

suryaiiit commented 1 year ago

Then we don’t do this change … old app should not break, anyways you can think off .. to support old app, as well as new apps?

yatishTrootech commented 1 year ago

Then we don’t do this change … old app should not break, anyways you can think off .. to support old app, as well as new apps?

On the basis of the version we can make this change for older versions I will pass the response as previous otherwise paginated for new apps

suryaiiit commented 1 year ago

Sounds fine, please go ahead

please provide details on what version and key for the same.

yatishTrootech commented 1 year ago

Sounds fine, please go ahead

please provide details on what version and key for the same.

Ok I will ask this with frontend person what version it should be

yatishTrootech commented 1 year ago

@smitakadia @Puneeth-kb @suryaiiit @apriyae for version v>12 it will return paginated response


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        "departments": [
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        "profile_img": null,
        "full_name": "prashant bhaiya"
    "title": "test",
    "description": null,
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                            "name": "Finance"
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                "created_on": "2020-10-22 10:39:24",
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yatishTrootech commented 1 year ago
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                        <div class="muted-text">From {{appreciator_full_name}}</div>
<img style="margin-left: {{org_logo_margin_left}};height:100;width:200" src={{organization_logo}}>


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Revanthsanaboyina commented 1 year ago


Date: 28-04-2023 server: user:

Hi @yatishTrootech Above features are working fine.
