reworkd / AgentGPT

🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
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AgentGPT local setup with Docker compose Error (jpype1) #1284

Open adharvansai opened 10 months ago

adharvansai commented 10 months ago

Please check that this issue hasn't been reported before.

Expected Behavior

When I run ./, and choose docker-compose, it should be able to setup AgentGPT and work.

Current behaviour script is giving an error and exiting in the middle of setup. I'm getting the below error.

[platform prod 7/10] RUN poetry install --only main: 0.606 Skipping virtualenv creation, as specified in config file. 1.150 Updating dependencies 1.156 Resolving dependencies... 17.41 17.41 Writing lock file 17.62 17.62 Package operations: 106 installs, 3 updates, 0 removals 17.62 17.62 • Installing frozenlist (1.4.0) 17.62 • Installing marshmallow (3.20.1) 17.63 • Installing multidict (6.0.4) 17.63 • Installing mypy-extensions (1.0.0) 17.63 • Installing sniffio (1.3.0) 17.63 • Installing typing-extensions (4.5.0) 17.63 • Updating urllib3 (1.26.16 -> 1.26.15) 18.21 • Installing aiosignal (1.3.1) 18.21 • Installing anyio (3.7.1) 18.21 • Updating filelock (3.12.3 -> 3.12.2) 18.21 • Installing async-timeout (4.0.3) 18.21 • Installing jmespath (1.0.1) 18.21 • Installing fsspec (2023.9.0) 18.21 • Installing h11 (0.14.0) 18.21 • Installing numpy (1.25.2) 18.21 • Installing marshmallow-enum (1.5.1) 18.23 • Installing outcome (1.2.0) 18.23 • Installing protobuf (3.19.6) 18.25 • Installing pydantic (1.10.12) 18.35 • Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2) 18.38 • Installing pyyaml (6.0.1) 18.40 • Installing sortedcontainers (2.4.0) 18.45 • Installing tenacity (8.2.3) 18.46 • Installing tqdm (4.66.1) 18.51 • Installing typing-inspect (0.9.0) 18.51 • Installing yarl (1.9.2) 19.45 • Installing aiohttp (3.8.5) 19.46 • Installing botocore (1.31.44) 19.46 • Installing dataclasses-json (0.5.9) 19.46 • Installing exceptiongroup (1.1.3) 19.46 • Installing googleapis-common-protos (1.60.0) 19.46 • Installing httpcore (0.17.3) 19.46 • Installing huggingface-hub (0.16.4) 19.47 • Installing langchainplus-sdk (0.0.20) 19.47 • Installing numexpr (2.8.5) 19.52 • Installing openapi-schema-pydantic (1.2.4) 19.57 • Installing pyasn1 (0.5.0) 19.77 • Installing pyopenssl (23.2.0) 19.86 • Installing pysocks (1.7.1) 19.88 • Installing pytz (2023.3.post1) 19.88 • Installing regex (2023.8.8) 19.92 • Installing soupsieve (2.5) 19.96 • Installing sqlalchemy (2.0.20) 20.01 • Installing starlette (0.27.0) 20.02 • Installing trio (0.22.2) 20.05 • Installing tzdata (2023.3) 20.24 • Installing wsproto (1.2.0) 22.14 • Installing authlib (1.2.1) 22.14 • Installing beautifulsoup4 (4.12.2) 22.14 • Installing click (8.1.7) 22.14 • Installing distro (1.8.0) 22.14 • Installing dnspython (2.4.2) 22.15 • Installing fastapi (0.98.0) 22.15 • Installing greenlet (2.0.2) 22.15 • Installing grpc-gateway-protoc-gen-openapiv2 (0.1.0) 22.16 • Installing grpcio (1.58.0) 22.26 • Installing httptools (0.5.0) 22.27 • Installing httpx (0.24.1) 22.37 • Installing jpype1 (1.4.1) 22.39 • Installing kafka-python (2.0.2) 22.53 • Installing langchain (0.0.218) 22.56 • Installing loguru (0.7.2) 22.60 • Installing lxml (4.9.3) 22.75 • Installing lz4 (4.3.2) 22.76 • Installing mypy (1.5.1) 23.05 • Installing ndg-httpsclient (0.5.1) 23.05 • Installing nest-asyncio (1.5.7) 23.08 • Installing openai (0.27.10) 23.13 • Installing pandas (2.1.0) 23.27 • Installing pillow (10.0.0) 23.45 • Installing pymysql (1.1.0) 23.51 • Installing pynacl (1.5.0) 23.59 • Installing python-dotenv (1.0.0) 23.73 • Installing s3transfer (0.6.2) 23.94 • Updating setuptools (65.5.1 -> 68.2.1) 24.07 • Installing tiktoken (0.4.0) 24.75 • Installing tokenizers (0.14.0) 24.95 • Installing trio-websocket (0.10.4) 25.06 • Installing uvloop (0.17.0) 25.62 • Installing validators (0.22.0) 25.79 • Installing watchfiles (0.20.0) 26.48 • Installing websockets (11.0.3) 27.48 27.48 ChefBuildError 27.48 27.48 Backend subprocess exited when trying to invoke build_wheel 27.48 27.48 running bdist_wheel 27.48 running build 27.48 running build_py 27.48 creating build 27.48 creating build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311 27.48 creating build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 creating build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype/_pyinstaller 27.48 copying jpype/_pyinstaller/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype/_pyinstaller 27.48 copying jpype/_pyinstaller/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype/_pyinstaller 27.48 copying jpype/_pyinstaller/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype/_pyinstaller 27.48 copying jpype/_pyinstaller/ -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype/_pyinstaller 27.48 copying jpype/_jthread.pyi -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/_core.pyi -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/_jcollection.pyi -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/_jio.pyi -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 copying jpype/_jstring.pyi -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/jpype 27.48 running build_ext 27.48 Call build extensions 27.48 Using Jar cache 27.48 copying native/jars/org.jpype.jar -> build/lib.linux-aarch64-cpython-311 27.48 Call build ext 27.48 building '_jpype' extension 27.48 creating build/temp.linux-aarch64-cpython-311 27.48 creating build/temp.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/native 27.48 creating build/temp.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/native/common 27.48 creating build/temp.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/native/python 27.48 gcc -pthread -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -fwrapv -Wall -fPIC -Inative/common/include -Inative/python/include -Inative/embedded/include -Inative/jni_include -I/tmp/tmpy4rgp07e/.venv/include -I/usr/local/include/python3.11 -c native/common/jp_array.cpp -o build/temp.linux-aarch64-cpython-311/native/common/jp_array.o -g0 -std=c++11 -O2 27.48 gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory 27.48 error: command '/usr/bin/gcc' failed with exit code 1 27.48 27.48 27.48 at /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/poetry/installation/ in _prepare 27.49 148│ 27.49 149│ error = ChefBuildError("\n\n".join(message_parts)) 27.49 150│ 27.49 151│ if error is not None: 27.49 → 152│ raise error from None 27.49 153│ 27.49 154│ return path 27.49 155│ 27.49 156│ def _prepare_sdist(self, archive: Path, destination: Path | None = None) -> Path: 27.49 27.49 Note: This error originates from the build backend, and is likely not a problem with poetry but with jpype1 (1.4.1) not supporting PEP 517 builds. You can verify this by running 'pip wheel --use-pep517 "jpype1 (==1.4.1)"'. 27.49

failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c poetry install --only main" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

Steps to reproduce

Run ./ and choose docker-compose. Give API key.

Possible solution

No response

Which Operating Systems are you using?


Natavidad commented 9 months ago

same queston!! how to resolve??????

jasangill1 commented 9 months ago

Hello @Natavidad @adharvansai try deleting your docker volume and retrying

jasangill1 commented 9 months ago

Hello @Natavidad do you have any other docker containers running?

Natavidad commented 9 months ago

I've solved it. Modified the configuration file and rebooted the computer, the key to rebooting the computer before many of my configuration will take effect.

jasangill1 commented 9 months ago

awesome @Natavidad happy to hear !!!

Natavidad commented 9 months ago

By the way, do we have an agent plan to develop and analyze the uploaded files?

jasangill1 commented 9 months ago

Hello @Natavidad yes the devs are working on said functionality !!!

Natavidad commented 9 months ago

okk!! Looking forward to it!

shubhamofbce commented 9 months ago

I am also facing the same issue, any resolution ??

shubhamofbce commented 9 months ago

@Natavidad what changes you made in the configuration file.

Natavidad commented 9 months ago

@shubhamofbce First, make sure you have GNU's gcc installed on your computer, and then change the configuration file to use GNU's gcc first. I tried these methods:

  1. Add the following lines to your shell configuration file, such as ~/.ZSHRC or ~/.BASHRC: alias gcc="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/bin/gcc-13" alias g++="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/bin/g++-13" 2.Add the following lines to your shell configuration file, such as ~/.ZSHRC or ~/.BASHRC: export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"

3.alias g++="g++ -B /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/libexec/gcc/aarch64-apple-dar$ export COMPILER_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/libexec/gcc/aarch64-apple-$ .

Then try rebooting the computer