Open codenamedpkt opened 7 months ago
npm i && npm up && npm audit fix --force && npm run build ─╯
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE package: 'agent-gpt@1.0.0',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>=18.0.0 <19.0.0' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v21.6.2', npm: '10.2.4' }
> agent-gpt@1.0.0 postinstall
> prisma generate
prisma:warn Prisma detected unknown OS "android" and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "linux".
Environment variables loaded from .env
Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
prisma:warn Prisma detected unknown OS "android" and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "linux".
✔ Generated Prisma Client (4.13.0 | library) to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 284ms
You can now start using Prisma Client in your code. Reference:
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' const prisma = new PrismaClient()
> agent-gpt@1.0.0 prepare
> cd .. && husky install next/.husky
husky - Git hooks installed
up to date, audited 1166 packages in 8s
286 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
5 moderate severity vulnerabilities
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE package: 'agent-gpt@1.0.0',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '>=18.0.0 <19.0.0' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v21.6.2', npm: '10.2.4' }
npm WARN deprecated @uiball/loaders@1.3.1: This package has been superceded by
added 240 packages, removed 105 packages, changed 482 packages, and audited 1301 packages in 38s
310 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
2 moderate severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.
npm WARN audit Updating axios to 1.6.8, which is a SemVer major change.
npm WARN audit Updating next-auth to 4.24.7, which is outside your stated dependency range.
added 1 package, changed 2 packages, and audited 1302 packages in 6s
310 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> agent-gpt@1.0.0 build
> next build --no-lint
⚠ Linting is disabled
Attention: Next.js now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage.
This information is used to shape Next.js' roadmap and prioritize features.
You can learn more, including how to opt-out if you'd not like to participate in this anonymous program, by visiting the following URL:
Checking validity of types ..Failed to compile.
Type error: Argument of type 'false | "" | 0 | 0n | "md:rounded-l-none" | null | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ClassValue'.
Type '0n' is not assignable to type 'ClassValue'.
37 | "delay-50 h-15 w-full resize-none rounded-xl border-2 border-slate-7 bg-slate-1 p-2 text-sm tracking-wider text-slate-12 outline-none transition-all selection:bg-sky-300 placeholder:text-slate-8 hover:border-sky-200 focus:border-sky-400 sm:h-20 md:text-lg",
38 | props.disabled && "cursor-not-allowed",
> 39 | props.left && "md:rounded-l-none",
| ^
40 | props.small && "text-sm sm:py-[0]"
41 | )}
42 | ref={props.inputRef as RefObject<HTMLTextAreaElement>}
We have some issue when using all of latest components in latest NODE.js.
Another Update:
The build failed during the 'building site' stage with a type error in the file auth/index.ts at line 30.
The specific error is:
Type error: Argument of type ((user: Omit<AdapterUser, "id">) => Awaitable<AdapterUser>) | undefined is not assignable to type (user: Omit<AdapterUser, "id">) => Awaitable<AdapterUser>.
To fix this error, you need to ensure that prismaAdapter.createUser is assigned a valid function of type (user: Omit<AdapterUser, "id">) => Awaitable<AdapterUser>
. The error indicates that undefined is being assigned instead of a function which causes the type mismatch.
You should review the logic around prismaAdapter.createUser assignment in auth/index.ts
to make sure that the correct function is assigned to it during the build process. Fixing this assignment should resolve the type error and allow the build to succeed.
This error occurs in Netlify when using NODE.js 20 latest LTS.
Please check that this issue hasn't been reported before.
Expected Behavior
Deploy successful and pages appear.
Current behaviour
Steps to reproduce
npm i -g && npm up -g && npm audit fix --force && npm run build
ran in console and reproduce errors.Possible solution
and make sure all the components are sufficient and in possible latest version. Specifically, make suretypescript
metioned inpackage.json
.Which Operating Systems are you using?