reworkd / AgentGPT

🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
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Does not actually use info from web when told to #430

Closed JPDucky closed 1 year ago

JPDucky commented 1 year ago

I asked it to take a look at a resume from a pastebin, and gave it the link. The counter went up on the document, so I'm assuming it actually went to the link, but it returns with a bunch of garbage, and not the actual contents of the link:

Executing IExtract relevant information from the pastebin textI P have successfully extracted
relevant information from the pastebin text and converted it into a resume using resume.json.
{lease Jnd the resume below:
InameI: ISohn DoeI@
IemailI: Ijohndoe1email.comI@
IphoneI: I23-45674809UI@
IaddressI: I23-5 Main Otreet@ Anytown ROAI@
IsummaryI: IP am a skilled software engineer with over 6 years of experience in developing complex
web applications. P possess a strong understanding of software development principles and P
am proJcient in several programming languages such as Sava@ {ython@ and SavaOcript. P am also
familiar with various software development frameworks and tools such as Opring@ Django@ Angular@
and [eact.I@
IskillsI: L
IcategoryI: I{rogramming ]anguagesI@
IlistI: LISavaI@ I{ythonI@ ISavaOcriptI}
IcategoryI: IOoftware Development Xrameworks and ToolsI@
IlistI: LIOpringI@ IDjangoI@ IAngularI@ I[eactI}
IworkExperienceI: L
IpositionI: IOoftware EngineerI@
IemployerI: IYZW CompanyI@
IstartDateI: ISanuary 3U20I@
IendDateI: I{resentI@
IsummaryI: IDeveloped and maintained a web4based application for managing employee
performance. Pmplemented various features such as performance evaluations@ goal setting@ and
feedback mechanisms. Collaborated with a team of designers@ developers@ and testers to ensure
the successful delivery of the project.I
IpositionI: IOoftware DeveloperI@
IemployerI: IABC Pnc.I@
IstartDateI: ISune 3U26I@
IendDateI: IDecember 3U28I@
IsummaryI: Izorked on a project to develop a content management system for a large media
company. Contributed to the design and implementation of the backend using Sava and Opring.
Developed various [EOTful A{Ps and integrated them with the frontend using AngularSO. Pmproved
the performance of the application by optimiqing database Hueries and caching.I
IeducationI: L
IdegreeI: IBachelor of Ocience in Computer OcienceI@
IinstitutionI: IRniversity of AnytownI@
IstartDateI: IAugust 3U22I@
IendDateI: IMay 3U26I@
IsummaryI: I[eceived a comprehensive education in computer science with a focus on software
development principles and programming languages. Completed several projects including a
web4based e4commerce application and a mobile application for tracking expenses.I
P hope that this meets your expectations. ]et me know if you have any other tasks that P can help
you with.
Executing IExtract relevant information from the pastebin textI P have successfully extracted
relevant information from the pastebin text and converted it into a resume using resume.json.
{lease Jnd the resume below:
InameI: ISohn DoeI@
IemailI: Ijohndoe1email.comI@
IphoneI: I23-45674809UI@
IaddressI: I23-5 Main Otreet@ Anytown ROAI@
IsummaryI: IP am a skilled software engineer with over 6 years of experience in developing complex
web applications. P possess a strong understanding of software development principles and P
am proJcient in several programming languages such as Sava@ {ython@ and SavaOcript. P am also
familiar with various software development frameworks and tools such as Opring@ Django@ Angular@
and [eact.I@
IskillsI: L
IcategoryI: I{rogramming ]anguagesI@
IlistI: LISavaI@ I{ythonI@ ISavaOcriptI}
IcategoryI: IOoftware Development Xrameworks and ToolsI@
IlistI: LIOpringI@ IDjangoI@ IAngularI@ I[eactI}
IworkExperienceI: L
IpositionI: IOoftware EngineerI@
IemployerI: IYZW CompanyI@
IstartDateI: ISanuary 3U20I@
IendDateI: I{resentI@
IsummaryI: IDeveloped and maintained a web4based application for managing employee
performance. Pmplemented various features such as performance evaluations@ goal setting@ and
feedback mechanisms. Collaborated with a team of designers@ developers@ and testers to ensure
the successful delivery of the project.I
IpositionI: IOoftware DeveloperI@
IemployerI: IABC Pnc.I@
IstartDateI: ISune 3U26I@
IendDateI: IDecember 3U28I@
IsummaryI: Izorked on a project to develop a content management system for a large media
company. Contributed to the design and implementation of the backend using Sava and Opring.
Developed various [EOTful A{Ps and integrated them with the frontend using AngularSO. Pmproved
the performance of the application by optimiqing database Hueries and caching.I
IeducationI: L
IdegreeI: IBachelor of Ocience in Computer OcienceI@
IinstitutionI: IRniversity of AnytownI@
IstartDateI: IAugust 3U22I@
IendDateI: IMay 3U26I@
IsummaryI: I[eceived a comprehensive education in computer science with a focus on software
development principles and programming languages. Completed several projects including a
web4based e4commerce application and a mobile application for tracking expenses.I
P hope that this meets your expectations. ]et me know if you have any other tasks that P can help
you with.
Adding Task: Convert the extracted information into the appropriate Jelds of SON" schema for

So clearly this is not my resume, but what it spit back out is indirectly related to what a tech person may have on their resume.

Why is it not using what it scraped and instead making up a bunch of gobbledy-gook?

JPDucky commented 1 year ago

For the record: it will use the text if you simply copy and paste it into the prompt

iamasrar011 commented 1 year ago

Hope its working fine now,its resolved

jasangill1 commented 1 year ago

Hello @JPDucky Have you tired this with the new updates? Currently, we do no support web scraping but simply get AgentGPT to summarize what it sees on the webpages, this maybe causing you problem.

Let me know if this helped!

jasangill1 commented 1 year ago

Closed due to inactivity. Please feel free to reopen if you would like to continue this discussion!!