rewrite-bigdata-in-rust / RBIR

A collection of RBIR projects and posts for anyone interested in joining this journey.
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Collect project data and events #13

Open Xuanwo opened 3 days ago

Xuanwo commented 3 days ago

Instead of just list links to different projects, I also want:

prrao87 commented 3 days ago

This sounds like a great idea! I'd love to participate, and learn more Rust along the way. I'm one of the target audience you had in mind (coming from Python) 😀, but love what little I know of Rust so far. Would love to travel along on your journey and help the community grow along the way too.

prrao87 commented 3 days ago

I took a look at #1, and will circle back with some thoughts/ideas for that one soon. Let's get this thing started! 🚀