rexlaminis / FallenFates

Fallen Fates MC
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Create new draft of the map #103

Closed Nyrhi closed 11 years ago

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Been talking to people, soaking up the info of past discussions detailing the map and looking into interesting concepts. I'm gonna try and combine all of these elements and try to create an entirely new draft of the map.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago


Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Alright. First draft is done. I know it looks unprofessional, since it's my first time using any other program besides Paint....go figure. cough So! To summarize, I've switched the races around a bit. Placed the desert strategically in the middle and added a few 'well drawn' Paint-lines to identify the different biomes in that area. Swampland and huge lake for the Haellera of course, experimented with some mountainous ranges for the Solari (most of the territory is built like plateau's, Fjord style), and placed the Thyruun close to the Brecar, and they share the same snowy mountain range.

 photo FirstMapdraft_zps9ae6558a.png

Download it, add stuff, engage in dialogue, criticize, contribute to your heart's content!

(PS: don't take note of the islands on the side, haven't gotten around to those yet)

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Adding the blank template for people to add stuff on:

 photo MapDraft10_zps832148e7.png

Leopere commented 11 years ago

And by No i mean Dear god why are we amusing this concept after such debate already on the first one.

Soren025 commented 11 years ago


Leopere commented 11 years ago

Obvious troll is obvious

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I much prefer the thyruun/brecar placement on this map.

Soren025 commented 11 years ago


simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

have no idea what im looking at on that one soren...haha

CandleD commented 11 years ago

I know we have gone through this before @chamunks but that was while Block was in charge and had a very large say about what we were going to do-and what he wanted conflicted with what everyone else wanted. So, unless anyone objects, I say that Nyrhi's island is what we end up doing. Sorry, @Soren025 but whatever your map is supposed to mean is too confusing.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Actually, Soren explained me his design yesterday, and basically we have reached a compromise. It functions for the different races in terms of placement and balance, adds logic to it in terms of climate and geographical locations, and will overall be fairly easier to terraform and manage than anything before - although the latter is my personal opinion. I'm sure he will come up with a better designed one that explains it for all.

Leopere commented 11 years ago

c935daa6-8098-11e2-8082-bec71d9075e5 Legend: Brown Hilly things = Plataus Solari Black Triangles = Mountains will be where the brecar is somewhere Bright Green = High elevation forest? Dark Green = Thyruun Forest

TheRadeonDude commented 11 years ago

But that's not the right map?....

Leopere commented 11 years ago (Map reference link) After much consideration and discussion about some of the things that we were looking to accomplish in this map with having the ocean be an actual resource not just a huge spot thats in the way. Also the concept of using biomes as an active thing that reacts with the players so we can do things like check biome (the player is currently in) and react accordingly (start dieing of thirst in a desert, start freezing to death in a snow biome unless in armor, start being torn apart by void forces when building too far into the void) we've decided to move back towards this map again. We need to add a few different things and some biomes need to be shuffled but we might be ready to move forward with this map still.

thanks @Nyrhi for you're time and consideration.

Sorry about the rushed post but im hungry and want breakfast.

Leopere commented 11 years ago

as per @CandleD's request there needs to be an island added on the south east of the map in the midle of the void by the large waterfall. In accordance to the lore.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

41846cfa-7d44-11e2-8cd0-3c529d0287c7 Adding this here for easiness' sake. This is the map we're talking about. I'd love to move the Solari towards the edge of the cliff, overlooking the ocean. We can then run a river through the castle/town and the waterfall would come out the back. I'd also love to move the Brecar more to the left, thus increasing the distance between them and the desert. Said desert would then become a high-end zone, perhaps accessible with the use of portals or gateways placed strategically and placed parallel in relation to the races to balance things out. As @chamunks already quoted @CandleD , I'll hereby summarize it again quickly: add an island to the bottom right of the map to agree with the lore. Also, having discussed a few things regarding Thyruun placement with @simplesonnet we have come to the agreement that there shall be snow-tipped mountain ranges spanning the edges of their 'lands'.

Comment your thoughts on this people, the sooner, the better.

TheRadeonDude commented 11 years ago

I just want to stress that we not get too deep in changes today, and we need to try to make it a number one goal that we at least get the starts of a map on the server and ready for building by tonight. We desperately need this to happen; as it is what's holding us back at the moment.

Leopere commented 11 years ago

The above changes are as far as I'm aware copacetic

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Duplicate issue now closing thanks for your attention.

Soren025 commented 11 years ago


Soren025 commented 11 years ago


Soren025 commented 11 years ago

Grey Scale and Terrain Layout made by the one and only prospect coming to a github near you!

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Closing this due to having two NOW REPEATING posts :) x

Soren025 commented 11 years ago

[2:19:17 PM] Lauris -ProSpect-:,nTww7pM,nTww7pM#1

FbI4ptt nTww7pM

Leopere commented 11 years ago

miscatagorized moving to the appropriate milestone.

Soren025 commented 11 years ago


Soren025 commented 11 years ago

I have found a program that you can export greyscale AND its maps are big enough to use.

with just the generic landscale on their blank slates it generates this in world painter =)

2013-03-01_08 21 37

Pro has it too and is going to figure out how to use it soon

Soren025 commented 11 years ago

2013-03-01_10 15 48 something random =P

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

I have no idea what it is Chamunks, but I do know it looks sexy!

Leopere commented 11 years ago

I will consider this issue now also closed. Thank you for your time and attention everyone.