rexlaminis / FallenFates

Fallen Fates MC
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Teamspeak #107

Closed king0fblad3s closed 11 years ago

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

Quick question with the perms of ts. When the server goes live, we are adding ppl in ts to their races that they will play. Will we be doing that when the server goes live? I think it would be a very big waste of time asking every single person that logged into ts what their race is and setting up the perms for them.

My proposal is this:

Member(Default Perm) -will be able to jump into unlocked channels
VIP -Will be able to go into locked channels
Mod -Kick/ban from ts
Admin -Same perms as mods but able to promote members to VIP as well as kick/ban
Owner -All perms

Conveyor of Awesome -All perms -rank is solely for Grimwraith

I think that this would be a much better set up so we dont have to waste time on setting people with specific perms. It would also stop people from alienating people based on their ts perms. I think we all want people to talk to each other and foster a community, from experience adding a label to anything will make people less likely to talk to each other if they do not have to same race.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

good ol' grimwraith <3

(would also like to note, the past few days i've been having issues with my perms on ts.... one moment i have perms the next i don't....whattttupppp with that? >__<) x

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago
Here is the new proposal: Lava Golemn -No perms -rank is solely for Grimwraith -Must place lava everywhere to propagate the species(except on my stuff, do it to troys)
Member(Default Perm) -will be able to jump into unlocked channels
VIP -Will be able to go into locked channels
Mod -Kick/ban from ts
Admin -Same perms as mods but able to promote members to VIP as well as kick/ban

Owner -All perms

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

Is it possible to give grim god mode in ts?

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

_> Im going to ask troy if we can implement this today. Also the we need to know which players should have VIP and which should not. (i.e. if they dont need to have it, they dont get it.) Also sonnet idk about your perms, but ill have troy look into it.

TheRadeonDude commented 11 years ago

Yes, I totally agree. VIP has been something almost handed out...too may people are able to drop right in on staff meetings. Every member needs to go through a ground-up evaluation, to determine their importance, and thus their need for things like VIP.

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

List of People who have VIP: Nyrhi TheRadeonDude Grim Prospect Soren Diage

Please add to this list so we can get this issue closed.(we will be reviewing the people on this list also, so this is not a guaranteed thing for them to get VIP, its on a case by case basis)

TheRadeonDude commented 11 years ago

Yes. We're at the point that there are simply too many people to free allow anyone in and out of channels as they please.

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

Ok The VIP issue has been taken care of.

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Alot more things have been done since this but I'll poke @king0fblad3s to update this git with a changelog.

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

Change Log: Server Owner: Changed to ***

Admin: Changed to **

Mod: Changed to *

Default names have been made to denote which rank a person is.(ie Server Owner Perms will appear next to those who have *\ perms)

Removed all the race ts names.

Removed the icons for all non staff ranks

Removed the nameplate for guest.

Added special VIP rank for GoalPost (Delete and I will end you)

Merged code weaver perms with VIP perms so they only have 1 perms group.

Cleaned up the lists of people with perms.

Tested everything and it works.

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

Gonna make another small change where the VIP perms are going to be * and mod perms are going to be _. Admin perms are gonna be _* that way we can integrate new group list as needed.