rexlaminis / FallenFates

Fallen Fates MC
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[Idea] Plugin Redesign and New Map Concept #108

Closed Soren025 closed 11 years ago

Soren025 commented 11 years ago

First off these ideas are non debatable. These new concepts are so perfectly parsed out that I refuse to consider any adjustments to the following ideas, they are what they are, deal with it.

First the plugin redesign, Diage and I have decided to go with a cactus tree instead of a normal tree for skills. This will really help to get the point across that our idea is extremely original.

Also under the plugin redesign, we have reviewed other plugins and decided MCJobs got it all right in the first place. We will be implementing MCJobs. This will help to move the server along too!

Finally, we have created the new map. To prevent any further argueing we decree this is a mandatory map.


This map was designed using software that can interface with worldpainter (The software can be found at )

Notice the layout of the map, we made sure to take into consideration everyone's desires. If your desire's aren't met, then they're not important.

Oh, and I almost forgot.... Cholcolate Donuts.. Yum

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Wait wait wait........Is the desert above the Elves? And is that bit of white around the elf tag the snow mountains i requested? if so we need a bit more snow than that..... as the idea was to be half snow elf half wood elf. As i told you theother day D= Please explain this more.... =] x

Leopere commented 11 years ago

@simplesonnet theres a youtube demo of what hes talking about.

TheRadeonDude commented 11 years ago

Where's the edge?

CandleD commented 11 years ago

Yes, where is the edge?

diage commented 11 years ago

The edge is the part where the white from the background meets the picture.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

I approve :p

diage commented 11 years ago

See, lore team approves...

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

im still confused.