rexlaminis / FallenFates

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[Security] PermissionSex Rework. #122

Closed Leopere closed 11 years ago

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Reworking a better architecture for permissionSex because we need it.

We need internal names versus the Human Readable names so that means internalname1 = haellera then the command to set player "Bob" to be a haellera would be /pex user Bob group set internalname1

LADDERS Non-Staff should have separate Non-Staff Ladders defined in their pex group so that it would be impossible to "/pex promote Bob" to staff as a moderator for example Then the staff positions should be Ladder-less so it would be impossible for someone to promote themselves any higher or lower.

This implemented correctly would allow lower end moderator staff the ability to bump up and bump down people in a very secure fassion.

WORLD SPECIFICS Good practice dictates that we define all permissions based on worlds then when we add new worlds we can create a whole new experience but until we've explicitly done so there will be no permissions in new worlds.

This will be a good method to prevent people from doing things in worlds that are still in development for whatever reason for pre-release bla bla'

INHERITANCE There should be a core group for Player Base Permissions that all classes inherit called something like "player" This group would not ever be directly assigned to any player its solely there as a way to add pex nodes to all player classes at once saving time replicating them across all player ranks.

This would be great for chat specifics and other sorts of low level stuff.

This sort of deal should be the default way that we handle things that would require common batch tasks.

STAFF INHERITANCE: Mod Class named something special: that is not MOD on the internal side of things but Mod should be inherited by Ancient and Owner should inherit Ancient.

All staff classes will not be exempt from the following sections definitions.

WHITELIST ONLY (No Exceptions): All permission needs to be explicitly defined as allowed otherwise they should all be unavailable. This will have Zero exceptions any exceptions to this will be removed without prejudice.

This means that allowing anyone to add '*' as a node to anyone will be considered as an attempt of malicious intent.

ANCIENTS VPN: Eventually we need to restrict the accepted IP's of the staff members to that of our FallenFates VPN which will be given to only certain people. This means that outside of the VPN ancients will not be allowed their commands as an ancient.

This adds absolute certainty that the server will not be exploited via the Ancients or above.

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Big List O Perms:

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Pex Commands:

Pex Wiki:

Pex Basics:

Pex Advanced Perms:

Leopere commented 11 years ago


Leopere commented 11 years ago

PexLevel1 I added arrows!

Leopere commented 11 years ago

pex groups written in black are race specific and basically meant as nameplates. Only to be edited when giving a node to the overall rank is not acceptable.

The red arrow states that until launch everyone gets full player perms.

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Pex group VIP removed.

Naelfane commented 11 years ago

Moderator Name suggestion: Savant

diage commented 11 years ago

O.o Savant? Just sayin...

Leopere commented 11 years ago

albeit something i've not properly descriped in some senses if someone would like me to rework this in the future please re-open this but basically add things to playercore groups first then you can modify races later if you need and dont be a dunce and actually add your nodes specifically to a world not just umbrella nodes umbrella nodes are frowned upon.