rexlaminis / FallenFates

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Thyruun Meeting 3/3/13 11pm gmt #124

Closed simplesonnet closed 11 years ago

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

We have a thyruun meeting tonight.

Spread the word fellow pointyears!!! <3

Topics of discussion:

1) The building of our capital.... Appointing an "official" Thyruun build team. Assigning areas of build.

2) The Lore behind the Thyruun. (What I know could be subject to change)

3) YOUR character/family ideas

4) Wood Elves VS Snow Elves

5) Thyruun Council

6) My Role as your Leader

7) Questions

If you can think of any questions NOW write them in the comments. Thankyou :)


Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

I would love to be there, although I'm no Thyruun, and if you'll have me of course. It's just in my nature to be very curious ^^

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

Im sorry to say, but i won't be able to attend the meeting. When it is over could you give a brief summary of what was discussed?

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

You're welcome to join Nyrhi and i Shall do Nul x

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago


Thyruun meeting. 1) BUILDING

• So here is the idea we have for the Elven Capital, • Who here can make trees? I want a lot of tree’s making…. Keeping with the specific forest type, we don’t want any African tree’s in a thick oak forest. If you want to learn how I make tree’s I can give anybody a lesson sometime during the week. Just give me a poke, if there is more than one of you we can arrange a session.9 • I need about 10 large oak godtrees…about the size of the housing one currently at warpthyruunbuilds • We then want 20 similar tree’s which are about ½ to ¾ the size of the housing tree’s • We also want a large godtree making…. Its going to be…..HUGE…. I’ll be using the thyruun build team to make this. Inside this large tree is going to be the thyruun palace. • We want more treehouses making…go to warpthyruunbuilds and take inspiration from the ideas we have around there…. I don’t want the thyruuns houses to all look alike, different and creativeness is much better in my opinion. • Im aware we’ll need farms on the ground so I want a group of people to design a way we can hide these under shrubs maybe…. I don’t want any buildings visible. • I want libraries and schools etc…. to be designed…we are a very educated and proud race. So yes….the build team, the official fallenfates buildteam is chosen by jeff…however interlinked to this build team are racial buildteams…. I’ll be picking an official build team for the thyruun….. if I like your builds I’ll get you on. So far I have Jew ross

When looking at the picture you’ll see in the background we have a large selection of snowy mountains… even though the github post favoured towards woodland elves I still wanted to keep an aspect of the original lore in place. We WILL be woodelves…. Living in the forest…. However you have the option to make towns in the snowy mountains away from the forest. You’ll still have the same abilities to that of a woodelf, keep that in mind.

2) THYRUUN LORE (what I know of it, all is subject to change) The way the Thyruun operate is around households. I believe there are four households written in the lore…. I only know of two of the families. The Alysia and the Acilla. It is said that the Alysia family were once incharge of the Thyruun. However power got to them and they became careless in the way they ran things so the Acilla family took the power from them. Its not said how the power was written, only the families know. The Acilla family is my family. My character is called Herenya Acillia. She is the Archypal (which means leader) of the Thyruun. Her father was the former Archypal and died in battle alongside Herenya’s mother. Under a vision given to her, my character Herenya led the elves to the new lands thrus protecting them from the great ruin saving all their lives. The Acillia family (who are now in power) consists of myself, herenya…an Aunt who is seen as the wise women of the capital… she is also incharge of religious ceremonies such as Marriage etc…. (on a side note the Acillia family believe in the gods/goddesses of the Elements) Also in the Acillia family we have the cousins. The cousins play a key part to how things run in the thyruun… they are part of a house council. They might not neccesarily be close to one another and be at constant rows over towns etc.. they are scattered around the map…however one thing about them is that they are loyal and proud of their race and will always stay loyal. They will do all in their power to keep the Acillia family incharge of the Thyruun. They hold a council once a month when the moon is most blue…. They discuss important matters over the world and my character Herenya will listen to the opinions and take them into consideration above all others.

There are 3 cousins. 1 of which has already been chosen… if that person wants to announce they are in the council, now is the time to do so…………………. Ok, I’m looking for 2 more cousins. You have to be mature…good at roleplaying and level headed…. I also want you to be pure to the race, keep with us…. Don’t betray us! This is a serious position and you’ll be looked up to by other players. To apply for a council position you can email me applications via skype add simplesonnet OR you can poke me in teamspeak at anytime.

Account name: Roleplay name: Character history: Character personality: Character description: Character skills: Why do you think I should choose you to be in the council and a part of my family?:

It is not written into the lore what happened to the ALysia family after their power was taken. They are still around and its up to all of you to decide if you want to be a part of this family. If so I’ll happily work along side you deciding what way you want to go with their story…. I know I have some ideas.

Any questions?cccccc


So that’s the family history.

The rest of the lore, im guessing is about to change considerably so I’m guessing I shouldn’t go into what I know in much detail. One thing is for certain and that’s that in the past the Thyruun and the Humans, both proud races, have always ended up at war with eachother…. They are enemies….they each consider themselves above the other.

3) Thyruun Army The Thyruun Army leader is Dapieguy. All his decisions will go through me, he will not be picking who to start wars with etc…. if you get into arguments/rivalries and want our army to back/protect you come and ask me in the capital palace and I’ll forward it on towards dapie. Its his job to organize strategies and train up our players in the art of pvp.

one thing is for certain, a simple way to describe our army is like ninjas on the wind. They are not to be seen and are quick to attack…. They’ll hit you before you even knew they were there.

That’s all I can give you on the army side of things….please talk to dapie about anything else….

4) Your Characters / family ideas Send all your family ideas to me via skype or teamspeak…. If you need help writing them etc… you can ask the Lore team for help.  5) Me as your leader


simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

meeting is over x