rexlaminis / FallenFates

Fallen Fates MC
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[Attention] A vote of confidence Maps and Otherwise. #131

Closed Leopere closed 11 years ago

Leopere commented 11 years ago

Hello, my name is chamunks as you may know I showed up about 1 month ago and turned things upside down and back again. Carried you all through the loss of staff members and addition of new ones in this time. And also the transition from one server machine to the next as swiftly as humanly possible. I realize that I've done some organizing and some disorganizing but I'd like to state that I believe that we have an incredible community and a community is an absolute asset in this field. We all have exceptional skills and massive ideas, I believe we have the power to accomplish all of them.

Currently there are a lot of misconceptions about the direction and the drive of the server as we move and shift things around to be more efficient there has been some growing pains. Its tough and its easy to take things in a bad light and its easy to put things in a bad light unintentionally. As we get closer and closer to launch it becomes more and more paramount that we realize how far we have come and how much we have gone through. I'd like to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to work with such an awesome community of talented individuals.

All of this said I believe that regardless of some of the hitches that we've experienced we will endure. The map project may look stagnant but its moving maybe not exactly as fast as we would like but its being done thoroughly which in the end will speak volumes to everyone who join the server. On my old server people would come on and be astonished at the well put together-ed-ness of the server and my server wasn't half of what this one will be as I was only one person with a small staff of close and awesome people. We have a huge staff of very focused and driven people. Keep that in mind when people are getting heated over things that are coming up here and there that its just passion that you're talking to its not judgement and hate but inspiration and drive.

Thank you for your time and attention.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Can we all have a group hug?

CandleD commented 11 years ago

Eloquently said. I second Sonnet's sentiments, as well. ^-^