rexlaminis / FallenFates

Fallen Fates MC
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[BUILD] Zaranai Capital #133

Closed simplesonnet closed 11 years ago

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

So the Zaranai are a rename of the Solari. They are the Human race!

We have made a start on some of their buildings..... it started out as they were going to be a quite a barbaric race but nyrhi has tamed them.

The main castle for them is in an old castle/gothic theme... myself and stuntman are making that and are looking for anybody willing to help. The roofs need a complete redesign on it, so if anybody is good with them step forward please!

As for general homes etc...... We are going to keep with the same layout as the old barbaric capital, which is this....


HOWEVER we are obviously removing the "evil" aspects to this picture.....for example, the massive skull. Will no longer be there, sorry to those who liked it :P If you want skull mountains carve them into your bandit towns or something, im guessing they'll become a big "evil" part to the server :P

Anyway, getting side tracked....

I want people to go to /warp solaribuilds (name will change soon and i'll update you when its changed)

I need the following things making:

1) Housing (about 15 different houses) 2) Blacksmiths 3) Tavern/Inn 4) Stables 5) Barracks / outposts (military complex) 6) Different wall designs 7) Shops 8) Warehouse 9) Farms 10) Place of worship

I made an eagle view of how myself and Jeff imagine the layout. Open to debate.

zaranai capital

Currently working on this project we have:

@Nyrhi can you please post all reference photographs here.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

P.s : When building in the build area please keep all areas organized..... housing togehter...... military together etc....


Jippuper commented 11 years ago

Heh, I like this. I will help out whenever I have time.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Forgot to add, purple on the paint map = religious areas.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

I would go for a double wall. A small outer one, and a big inner one, so that you can really stress the bridge and the awesomeness attached to it. Otherwise, very nice design, I would love to see the finished product, and if you guys will still have me, I'd love to help :D

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Yes nyrhi, we shall have you... hence i added you into the list ;) x

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Alright, Nyrhi here, bumping this bad boy right up. Let's get some work done! @simplesonnet if you are up for it to(day/night), I'd love to discuss potential minor cosmetic changes to the lay-out draft you made earlier in this issue. When that's done, I can make an overview of what needs to be built, how it needs to look and what needs to be implemented. Then I just need to find myself some builders with Zaranai blood running in their veins, and we're set ;)

Troy8345 commented 11 years ago

That looks like Theramore

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Never played wow, but yes i can see the huge similarity. Ours will look better.

@Nyrhi tell me tonight please :)

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

@simplesonnet I will! I must've missed you by an hour or so, too bad :(

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago


This sexy piece of imagery is basically how we envision the Zaranai capital, minus the SKULL OF IMPENDING DOOM of course ^^

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago


simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

So......whose arse shall i kick first? THIS NEEDS DOING, PLEASE!

IRossXD commented 11 years ago

Hell, If I have some spare time at the weekend I'll give some house/shop variations a go. So we're going for a dark colour scheme?

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Au contraire. It's gothic style architecture, which means roomy and vast, awe-inspiring builds that breathe decadence, yet are spartan in decoration - at least for the 'stone' buildings. The houses and other living quarters made out of wood and such - for example Jip built some really nice ones - use a more cozy wooden feel, yet efficiency stands central in the builds. In terms of color scheme, I'd go with white.

Any more questions, feel free to ask ^^

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago


Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

145188 Place of worship. Currently trying my hand at this, minus the broken and battered status ofc.

Jippuper commented 11 years ago

Now thats something I would like to build O_o ^

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Well you can! I'm working on it, but any help is much appreciated! If we meet again on the serv, I'll point you to it.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I love this building! >___<