rexlaminis / FallenFates

Fallen Fates MC
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[BUILD] Thyruun Capital Palace #135

Closed simplesonnet closed 11 years ago

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I need help coming up with ideas for the thyruun palace.... this palace will either be placed infront the great tree....OR be a part of the tree.

Please throw your ideas in this issue Anybody wanting build this would be great. It needs to be BIG..... organic......earthy......

Think alice in wonderland meets shivering isles for inspiration.

The palace is the central area in the thyruun capital, it'll be a large focus point to our roleplays.

@DarkProSpect @Nyrhi @Jippuper @c12095 @Diddydrew @godleydemon @justjeff94 @Nulwraith

c12095 commented 11 years ago

I think it needs to be apart of the tree, in front would be too strange to me. I'll try and brainstorm something, but I guarantee nothing :p

Also, do we have the god tree in progress yet? It would be easier to size up if so.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Have yet to make the godtree im waiting on the map to be finished... i want to build this straight onto the terrain to get a better understanding of the size. For now we just need general ideas of what it should look like and plan it out. x

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Pics i like...




@CandleD (any ideas?) x

Ktar5 commented 11 years ago

I like the idea of a dark forest with a light, magical castle, for say. Pretty much the 2nd picture.

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

The second picture as the base and have spires from the first poking out from the top and sides

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

Combine the first two pics, tree style of the first and houses of the second. The third is just an idea.

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

I saw this as a possible idea for some housing?

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I don't really want to kill the tree's >__<

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

Okie so no to holes in the trunk

Ktar5 commented 11 years ago


Thatswhat ktar thinks ^_^