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Fallen Fates MC
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Quests and Dungeons #136

Closed simplesonnet closed 11 years ago

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

We need your wonderful imaginations to be put to use! Think of some dungeon ideas, get together...combine your skills..... Voxel/Building/Redstone/Stories etc..

Be as descriptive as possible. Brainstorm your ideas on thisISSUE please.....the lore team will be going over all quests/dungeon ideas @CandleD @Nyrhi @Troy8345

So get creative, this is a MUST do.


diage commented 11 years ago

Me and soren came up with a fun concept for a more modular/random dungeon. It's pretty simple, basically you set up "rooms" within the dungeon and upon completion, it would pick at random the next room. We could set it so that completion could be after completing some set number of rooms or based on luck upon finding the last room or perhaps on finding a special item.. any number of queues could be done with it.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Nice idea, as always Diage :) I'll have to have a talk with the coders and Troy soon, to see what our options are with quests.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Clicked the wrong button, my bad :S

Jippuper commented 11 years ago

We could do like, redstone puzzles :O

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

Redstone puzzles for dwarves, parkour for elves, fighting for humans, and... holding your breath.... for fish.

godleydemon commented 11 years ago

Theres a few ways we can accomplish this. One is with redstone, and its going to be slightly clumsy and fairly limited. Or Two, we can do it with a mod using a random process to pick a room to load as a schematic. These rooms would have to be a specific size. But I think this would be the best way to go about it.

Now the way with redstone, theres a couple of ways we can do it. One is by using redstone to just extend and retract pistons to change the lay out of a room or to open specific doorways to closed off rooms. Another way to do it is by warping a player using a command block to a different part of the dungeon prepared. This of course wouldn't be to awfully hard to make random, but there would only be a limited amount of selection to be random do to redstone limitations for a randomizer.

I think its a wondrous idea and something I actually talked about in the beginning XD

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I know we have had @c12095 who has gone ahead and started making an abandoned mine dungeon. which is fantastic!

I love that you have all put some suggestions forward, now lets try and come up with some bigger ideas from this and maybe add a couple of prototypes going on the server.

Id like a couple of redstoners to step forward and come up with a few different puzzle/trap ideas..... I'll set a warp called dungeon and i want all this stuff to go there for now...just ingame ideas.

I will host a meeting at a later date and combine ideas to make stuff more official.

Troy8345 commented 11 years ago

Open world dungeons:

Anybody can go into these and farm monsters. Perhaps random spawned bosses?


Long forgotten topic and probably could be coded by our coders. Lore related dungeons that you need a full group to join. Think WoW dungeons. Good idea... Shouldn't be neglected

c12095 commented 11 years ago

My little dungeon is almost done, but I need to talk to someone that knows world edit (maybe another plugin) commands to help me out with changing a mass amount of blocks to another block. I am very bad with these plugins :/

CandleD commented 11 years ago

Oh, oh! I have been working on a dungeon in single player that I am quite proud of. I'd like to import it if possible and finish it there

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

I made a redstone piston puzzle.. if anyone cares..

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I care, thankyou for your help =] x

Troy8345 commented 11 years ago

Long forgotten topic and probably could be coded by our coders. Lore related dungeons that you need a full group to join. Think WoW dungeons. Good idea... Shouldn't be neglected

Troy8345 commented 11 years ago

^ I reiterate

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

That is a brilliant idea. That would really give this sever a more unique feeling then it already has

CandleD commented 11 years ago

Yes, I had the same idea. I have been working on the idea of a dungeon where you start off with x amount of people and you have the option to betray or desert your group members as you progress