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[Incentives] Titles #137

Closed king0fblad3s closed 11 years ago

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

I have a job for the lore team, come up with a title system that can be used with all of the races. This is so that if we decide to give a rank for purchases we can give them a title.

Here is the ones we are not going to use: Baron/Baroness Duke/Dutchess Marquess

Those are the titles we are avoiding as well as anything bland such as champion of hero. I also want there to be a hierarchy in the titles. Such as Count is higher in rank than Baron.

diage commented 11 years ago

What purpose are these titles going to convey, just vanity or anything legitimate?

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Here's a list of medieval titles I found: Serf





Knight, Dame

Baronet, Baronetess

Baron, Baroness

Viscount, Viscountess My Lord/Lady, Lord(Lady), Viscount(ess)

Earl, Landgrave, Count, Countess My Lord/Lady, Earl(Landgrave, Count etc.)

Margrave, Margravine My Lord/Lady, Margrave(Margravine)

Duke, Duchess Your Grace, Duke(Duchess)

Grand Duke, Grand Duchess My Lord/Lady, Your Grace, Grand Duke(Duchess)

Regent Addressed as Regent or by inherited title

Prince Consort, Princess Consort Your Highness, My Lord/Lady, Prince(ss)

Prince, Princess Your (Royal) Highness, My Lord/Lady, Prince(ss)

King, Queen Your (Royal) Majesty, My Lord/Lady, My King/Queen, King/Queen

Emperor, Empress Your (Royal) Majesty, My Lord/Lady, Emperor/Empress

I have no idea how to make something bold, so you'll have to do with this crappy lay-out. Naturally speaking, Baron(ess) cannot be used, same with duke, since we want something unique. But this is just a small list with a short explanation underneath it so you know what it meant back in the day.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Let me grab the titles from above and see which ones we can really use. Also, I'll compile a short list here that I'll update with viable alternatives as I find them. (it's in order of power)

An idea that popped in my head is the use of an honor system, since the titles above would work for certain races, but would look weird with others. They all work well for Zaranai, since they have a lot of Medieval influences, but most of the titles would look weird on an Haellera for example. So, here are some honor-titles, just an idea:

CandleD commented 11 years ago

The titles the lore team came up with have been sent to King