rexlaminis / FallenFates

Fallen Fates MC
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Big Push. #149

Closed simplesonnet closed 11 years ago

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

We all came to Fallen Fates for a reason....we ARE the fallen fates team now.... Not Gazamo...not herocraft...not pawncraft etc... FALLEN FATES. As soon as you stepped foot here we have embraced you with open arms and try to give you everything your former servers were lacking. We are here to make something amazing...something different....something you can be a part of and be proud to say, "I helped make this". When we came here we were all inspired and wanted to be a huge part in the making of this server. Why else would you join during the build stages?

However it seems a lot of people have become inactive lately, getting distracted by other things etc... (:()


I know we have hit a couple of snags in the fence recently but i want you to remember how quickly we picked ourselves up. When the server was shut down we immediately got a new one up. We backed up our files. We rewrote what was lost and we kept moving forward, not looking back. I want to thank @Troy8345 and @chamunks particularly for this.... now, your not tied down forced to work on the project.... but been inactive due to boredom worries me. I want you all to know that every single block you placed...every idea you came up with and even showing your face in the teamspeak helps a lot with our community. When things are going slow and you do start to loose bits of motivation, please...take a step back and chill... but i beg you not to leave us try and help push through it and see us through the end...because i can PROMISE YOU this server is going to BLOW YOUR MIND it'll become something we can hardly keep you off once we go live. ;)

2013-02-02_06 31 28

I hope this list of things im currently doing for FallenFates can help inspire you to come and help out...... I'd really love a hand, as your about to see i have A LOT on my plate and remember "every single block you place makes a huge difference.".

Sonnets projects.

1) Building. Since @justjeff94 has been AFK due to laptop issues I have stepped forward and taken a charge of the buildteam (until he's back) Go to the buildteam milestones to see everything we need doing....We need as much help as possible at the moment.... and in relation to some rumors on other servers... obviously our building HAS NOT stopped :P we are not dead in that aspect. haha

I'm currently doing the following:

Issues found here:


2013-03-22_12 28 41

Issue here:


2) Lore Team..... I'm the latest member of the lore team and try to set myself a certain amount of time each night to work on it. The lore currently stands at 23 pages. =]

On top of that we have also been playing host to role plays each week, a great way to wind down and get to know each others role playing abilities etc. Its fun, so i urge you to look out for us in the role playing channels. don't be afraid to join! :)

3) Modding the github/server and teamspeak. Please remember any questions you want to ask go to a mod or ancient, we are here to help. :)

4) Public..... Lets just say i've been trying my hardest to talk to you all, and i love doing so, I'm doing my best to hear everything you all have to say and i try my hardest to push the majorities choice in server related things. I DO LISTEN TO YOU. =] I have also been trying my hardest to get people to join the servers and have also made sure certain "big" players will return to the server keeping them informed with all its goings on etc..


5) Skinning. Me and @Diddydrew are going to be making the skins for the server. We will be making 28 in all. I've been designing a few but this will be one of the last things i do. If we have anybody on the server who can also do skinning and would like to help. Please say so on this issue!

4) Events. I know it seems to be quiet on the whole event front.... but while i've been doing other things i have been planning alot of events we can do to have a bit of fun and wind down....aswell as trying to come up with events that'll fit with the lore that would fit on the server. Would like @Nyrhi @CandleD @Troy8345 to think about this stuff a little bit more. Events will play a key part to the server, unlike dungeons/quests events are the sort of things which will have a key change on the game.

An event im currently arranging:


5) Thyruun Leader. Leading the pointy ears seems to be going well and you all seem to be keeping active. so thankyou, I'm looking forward to roleplaying along side you all when we go live! I'm currently trying to find somebody to be a part of the second big thyruun house family.... the family that got pushed down from power, these thyruun will reside on the snowy mountains behind our forest. Need people to step up to this, contact me please :)

Im going to round this post up by saying a HUGE THANKYOU to everybody who has helped so far and please...just keep at it! =D


Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

Well that must have taken quite a while to write this all down. Nice work, I always love seeing determination. In regards of Zaranai building, however, I need a mountain first, otherwise the voxeling afterwards is gonna kick our wee behinds, and completely screw over the build itself. Also, as you said, the lore is progressing nicely. If I reflect upon what it was at the start and what it is now, it has come a long way. It's like seeing a flower grow. And yes, that was super cheesy...

And I'm not to shy or vain to say: Good job Sonnet, good job. I think I speak for all when I say I appreciate the effort and time you put into this project, and your conviction is heart-warming ;)

Troy8345 commented 11 years ago

We have not had an official meeting of the event planners... Do not leak information we are quite secretive!!!!

Good speech btw.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago
