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[Build] Thyruun Capital #81

Closed simplesonnet closed 11 years ago

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Hello my peoplesss <3

Complete re-design of the thyruun capital, i want your ideas.......


CandleD commented 11 years ago

I think that you should replace it with something more majestic, like a fantasy looking castle. Since it hasn't been around for long, you could make it under construction when the server goes up. The Thyruun like majesty, so I think it would be wonderful.

Perhaps we could go back to our original idea of snow elves? Just a thought.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I actually did a girly squeel when you mentioned a castle.... always something i was fighting for! :D

Also people, i want to see lots of pictures on this thread :)

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

That would be interesting Candle, but trees! I had the idea of Ellesmera from the Eragon series. Many large thicket-ed trees connected with "rope" bridges. Also very ornate structures that are integrated into the trees.

king0fblad3s commented 11 years ago

What about Lothlorien from lord of the rings. I think that style would fit the elves perfectly.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Lothlorien and Ellesmera are wonderful ideas.... I'm also going to mega puppy eyes for a castle.... working both ideas together?

CandleD commented 11 years ago

What do those words mean?

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Lothlorien is the elvish woodland area in lord of the rings.

Its what i based my original thyruun build designs off of.

and Ellesmera..... the town in the Eragon series

"Elves sing to trees and plants in the Ancient Language to get them to grow and shape themselves the way the elves want to. This is how they make their houses, bows, and other wooden items. Elves also sing to flower seeds to grow them completely from their own energy and magic. "

CandleD commented 11 years ago

Whatever you do, try not to make it too "been there, done that." While it seems most people want something familiar, we want the things we make to be above the norm.

Nyrhi commented 11 years ago

While I'm all for Elves singing to plant life, I'd make it a tad more mystical. You kinda went there with the Ancient tongue, but spice it up with some chanting (though it's close to singing, just more manly :p), or just a profound bond with nature that hasn't yet been explained? I mean, there's so much room here to flesh these things out and make them believable, but I agree with Candle. Whilst we can touch upon what people are familiar with, I'd suggest going a more unique way, since we don't want to be a rehash of what others before us have already done. This would allow us to kinda familiarize people with the general trend, yet baffle them with new content and suggestions they haven't seen before!

For one, I was all up for Snow Elves due to the arguments above, yet I can relate to the point Diage brought up, since it would call for a ton of (re)work. Perhaps we can come to the same result by spicing up the architecture, since their culture is quite unique already. I myself am a big fan of Gothic architecture, and if you combine that with a touch of fantasy, you get awesomeness! So how about we prototype a bit with fusing castles and flora together, see what we can come up with?

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

One thing us fallenfates people can do is different....and different we shall be :)

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

Ok everybody i've been spreading this image around but this is whats going to be happening for the thyruun capital.

bridge fantasy forest tree waterfall 2000x1014 2000x1014 wallpaper_wallpaperswa com_6

We need to figure out how we'll place housing around, if its all going to be based around the tree..... or is that tree like an entrance way with a city behind it? defenses? etc. etc....

Jippuper commented 11 years ago

Epic picture.

Maybe like a hill with a giant tree ontop of it, which is sticking out above of the rest of the forrest? :3

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

We have to keep in mind the height limits, so id rather we had the drop around the big tree as we'll have the huge snow peaked mountains in the background. x

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

I say we have the top of the tree at 150 and then go down into the ravine for the height problem. As for if it is the entrance and what not, I say it is the center of the city. Almost as if it were a capitol house or it is the center tree and all the rest connect to it through the roots like the Menoa tree from Eragon or the swamp one from The Last Airbender. Just over a ravine.. Defenses, well there you have your castle walls or all the buildings up in the trees.

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

The forest surrounding the tree consists of alot of godtrees .... Stuntman came up with the idea that a

tree = a house. We'll literally live in the forest, not among in it.


Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

That is a marvelous idea. We could even do different size trees depending on rank or spec. Say like a large sturdy tree for elves aligned more with fighting and lofty trees for more agility based. We could connect the trees with rope bridges :D

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I've made the first official General housing we will have about 7 houses.

2013-02-28_16 33 12

TheRadeonDude commented 11 years ago

This looks amazing! I'm so happy with the progress.

Nulwraith commented 11 years ago

Me gusta

simplesonnet commented 11 years ago

I need more people coming online and making these tree's please. Have given out a couple of lessons already, if you want one just say so and i'll teach you organics.

We also need more treehouses making.

A really big thankyou to all those who HAVE been logging on daily and helping as much as they possibly can, im trying to use as many of your builds in the thyruun capital. You're all wonderfull and keep it up. :) x