rexyai / RestRserve

R web API framework for building high-performance microservices and app backends
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[QUESTION] Working with environment variables #213

Open rominasilvera opened 2 months ago

rominasilvera commented 2 months ago

Hi, I was wondering if you could provide some support on this situation: I'm new to RestRserve (I have only worked with Plumber), my development os is windows and my pre-production os is linux. I created a simple function that returns the branch, therefore, the code uses environment variables.

Here's the code:


print('-- Create Application --')
app = Application$new(
  # content_type = 'application/json' 

  path = "/whatbranch", 
  FUN = function(.req, .res) {
    print(paste('-- YOU ARE IN:',Sys.getenv('ENTORNO'),'--'))

backend = BackendRserve$new()
backend$start(app, http_port = 8001)

When I test this function on Postman, the output is as expected: image

However, when putting this code in production, the ouput is black: (the response) image

(the code prints) image

The r environ file has all the necessary environment variables in all branches.

Also, I noticed that, is it's mandatory for me to "declare" (in production) my main .LibPath at the top of the script (.libPaths("/home/romina/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3")) , otherwise, the libraries can't be installed.

On this page some guidelines for deploying are shown, for example, for setting the port of the app they use:

configuration = c("http.port" = "8001",
                             "encoding" = "utf8",
                              "port" = "6311")

So I was wondering if I could add the environment variables in this vector.

Thanks in advance, I'm really looking forward to use this library.