reydanro / UIImageViewAligned

A UIImageView subclass which allows you to align the image left/right/top/bottom, even when contentMode is AspectFit.
MIT License
400 stars 69 forks source link

Swift Version #19

Open hipwelljo opened 8 years ago

hipwelljo commented 8 years ago

I have translated this code into Swift and I would like to contribute that back to the community, if that would be desirable. It also uses IBDesignable and IBInspectable for Xcode 7. This is super slick, so thanks for providing it! Let me know how to proceed.

intrications commented 8 years ago


It would be great to have this library in Swift. I think it would be best for you to create a new github repo with your code.

sochalewski commented 8 years ago

@intrications I have rewritten this in Swift too. It's available here and via CocoaPods.