reymond-group / smilesDrawer

A small, highly performant JavaScript component for parsing and drawing SMILES strings. Released under the MIT license.
MIT License
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Showcase: Use standalone Smiles Drawer in a typescript project #172

Open Acylation opened 1 year ago

Acylation commented 1 year ago

Run npm install smiles-drawer, and then declare it in the global.d.ts using the line declare module 'smiles-drawer';, then you'll have the smiles-drawer included in your project.

To call the module, you can use this to import import SmilesDrawer from 'smiles-drawer';

Omer1Yuval1 commented 4 months ago

Thanks! Can you please post a minimal example that shows how to use this in React.js?

Acylation commented 4 months ago

I did try combining React with my project,, in which it successfully identify the package while no actual rendering example had I implemented.

Maybe you can try this

The quoted example calls SVGDrawer API, however, a rather wrapped-up class SmiDrawer would be easier to use (available for the latest version 2.1.7). Here's the rough type defs. JS Fiddle Pure JS demo for SmiDrawer()

declare module 'smiles-drawer' {
    class SmiDrawer {
        constructor(moleculeOptions?: object, reactionOptions?: object);
        static apply(
            moleculeOptions?: object,
            reactionOptions?: object,
            attribute?: string | undefined,
            theme?: string,
            successCallback?: CallableFunction,
            errorCallback?: CallableFunction
        ): void;
            attribute?: string,
            theme?: string,
            successCallback?: CallableFunction,
            errorCallback?: CallableFunction
        ): void;
            smiles: string,
                | HTMLElement
                | SVGElement
                | HTMLImageElement
                | string
                | 'svg'
                | 'canvas'
                | 'img'
                | null,
            theme?: string,
            successCallback?: CallableFunction,
            errorCallback?: CallableFunction,
            weights?: number[] | object
        ): void;
            smiles: string,
                | HTMLElement
                | SVGElement
                | HTMLImageElement
                | string
                | 'svg'
                | 'canvas'
                | 'img'
                | null,
            theme: string,
            weights: number[] | object,
            callback: CallableFunction
        ): void;
            smiles: string,
                | HTMLElement
                | SVGElement
                | HTMLImageElement
                | string
                | 'svg'
                | 'canvas'
                | 'img'
                | null,
            theme: string,
            settings: object, // reaction settings
            weights: number[] | object,
            callback: CallableFunction
        ): void;
            svg: SVGElement,
            canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement
        ): HTMLCanvasElement;
        svgToImg(svg: SVGElement, img?: HTMLImageElement): HTMLImageElement;
            element: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | SVGElement,
            svg: SVGElement
        ): { w: number; h: number };