reynico / raspberry-noaa

Fully automated ISS SSTV, NOAA and Meteor satellite image downloader using Raspberry PI
GNU General Public License v3.0
179 stars 56 forks source link

reception problem #111

Closed fabiomarigliano closed 3 years ago

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

hi, I installed everything according to the guide, but when I receive the satellites, I find myself in black and white images, very different from the ones I see in your twitter account, do you have any idea why? I receive the ZA MCIR and MICIR precip images. 2469430E-0A5C-41B5-BD3C-C279E0046F91

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

I still get black and white images, does anyone have a problem with me? Thanks

Schermata 2021-01-15 alle 19 46 32

reynico commented 3 years ago

Hi Fabio! Seems like the reception is a bit noisy over there. WHat's your hardware setup and location?

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

Hi, I use raspberry Pi3 and QFH antenna, before with the old script I received color images even if a little noisy now only in black and white. Since I put the new script I can no longer receive the images as before. I enclose an example ErJkgzvXIAIG4uw

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

My location Italy Europe

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

Now they are all like the pictures


reynico commented 3 years ago

Could you please post the contents of the following files?

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

NOAA_HOME=/home/pi/raspberry-noaa NOAA_OUTPUT=/var/www/wx METEOR_OUTPUT=/var/www/wx/meteor RAMFS_AUDIO=/var/ramfs SAT_MIN_ELEV=30 METEOR_MIN_ELEV=30 SUN_MIN_ELEV=1 LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG LAT=40.0113100 LON=-18.1623700 BIAS_TEE="-T" DELETE_AUDIO="true" FLIP_METEOR_IMG="true" GAIN=70 SCHEDULE_ISS="false"

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago


WXtoImg configuration file written by WXtoImg.

"man wxtoimg" or wxtoimg.html for details.

WXtoImg version 2.11.2 beta

# # Registration Name: Kevin Schuchmann Registration Email: Registration Key: CGHZ-PP9G-EAJZ-AWKK-NDNX Signal Type: APT Expert Mode: false Status Info Size: 0 Large Pixmap Support: false Prompt on Exit: true Decode in Record: true Scroll in Record: true Direction: northbound Sample Rate: 11025.00

Resurs Sample Rate: 11025.0

Meteor3 Sample Rate: 11025.0

Meteor2 Sample Rate: 11025.0

SICH1M Sample Rate: 11025.0

SICH Sample Rate: 11025.0

Okean Sample Rate: 11025.0

NOAA Sample Rate: 11025.0

Meteosat Sample Rate: 11025.0

GOES Sample Rate: 11025.0

GMS Sample Rate: 11025.0

MTSAT Sample Rate: 11025.0

Set Sample Rate: false Sharpen: 0.6 JPEG Quality: 90 AVI Codec: RGB AVI Transparent: true AVI Quality: 85 AVI Scale: 0.5000 Max Frames: 16 Frame Rate: 1.000 Image Format: JPEG Anaglyph Image Format: png Composite Image Format: png Messages: normal Resync: disabled Noise Filter: 0 Noise Threshold: 44 Crop: disabled Contrast: var Illumination Compensation: none Gamma: 1.40 Despeckle: 2.00 No Signal Fill: true Audio Directory: /home/pi/wxtoimg/audio Image Directory: /home/pi/wxtoimg/raw Save Directory: /home/pi/wxtoimg/images Map Directory: /home/pi/wxtoimg/maps Thumbnail Directory: /home/pi/wxtoimg/thumbnails Template for Audio: false Filename Info: UTC YYYYMMDDHHMM Temperature Units: C Distance Units: km Enhancement: - Auto Image Template: %s-%f-%e Auto Image Enhancements: "-" "contrast -a" "contrast -b" "NO" "HVCT" "MSA" "MCIR" Record Type: A Record Name Format: %Y%m%d%H%M BMPs for DA: false Record Bits: 16 Record Level: 25 Record Delay: 60 Record Rate: 11025 Record Only Active: enabled Record Elevation: 20 Record Above: 8 Record Disable Info: false Record Add: -N Record Device: 0 Record Modes: ARCID Recording Forces Location: false Antenna Type: unknown Receiver Type: none Receiver Port: /dev/ttyAMA0 Receiver Baud: 0 Rotor Type: none Rotor Port: /dev/ttyAMA0 Rotor Baud: 0 Park Elevation: 90.0 Park Azimuth: 180.0 GPS Port: /dev/ttyAMA0 GPS Baud: 4800 GPS Use: false GPS Set Clock: false Pass List Hours: 168 Process Time: 300 Use Alternate Memory Model: false Delete Audio After: 999 Delete Maps After: 999 Delete Raw Images After: 999 Delete Images After: 999 Flip Meteor 3: disabled Map Build: enabled Map Overlay: disabled Map Population: 0 Map Antialias: true Map Thick Lines: false Map Land-Sea: enabled Map Lakes: disabled Map Rivers: disabled Map Country Borders: disabled Map State Borders: disabled Map Ground Station: disabled Map Grid: 10 Map Offset Northbound: 0 Map Offset Southbound: 0 Map Land Color: light-green Map Lake Color: light-green Map River Color: light-green Map Country Border Color: yellow Map State Border Color: yellow Map Ground Station Color: yellow Map City Color: orange Map Grid Color: red Ground Station: Casarano, Italy Latitude: 40.011 Longitude: -18.162 Altitude: 117.0 NOAA\ 12 Is Active: false NOAA\ 14 Is Active: false NOAA\ 15 Is Active: true NOAA\ 16 Is Active: false NOAA\ 17 Is Active: false NOAA\ 18 Is Active: true NOAA\ 19 Is Active: true Meteor\ 3-5 Is Active: false Meteor\ 2-21 Is Active: false Resurs\ O1-N4 Is Active: false Okean-O Is Active: false SICH-1 Is Active: false SICH1M Is Active: false GOES Is Active: false GMS Is Active: false MTSAT Is Active: false Meteosat Is Active: false NOAA\ 12 Frequency: 137.5000 NOAA\ 14 Frequency: 137.6200 NOAA\ 15 Frequency: 137.6200 NOAA\ 16 Frequency: 137.6200 NOAA\ 17 Frequency: 137.5000 NOAA\ 18 Frequency: 137.9125 NOAA\ 19 Frequency: 137.1000 Meteor\ 3-5 Frequency: 137.3000 Meteor\ 2-21 Frequency: 137.4000 Resurs\ O1-N4 Frequency: 137.8500 Okean-O Frequency: 137.4000 SICH-1 Frequency: 137.3800 SICH1M Frequency: 137.4000 GOES Frequency: 137.5000 GMS Frequency: 137.5000 MTSAT Frequency: 137.5000 Meteosat Frequency: 137.5000 NOAA\ 12 Priority: 1 NOAA\ 14 Priority: 1 NOAA\ 15 Priority: 1 NOAA\ 16 Priority: 1 NOAA\ 17 Priority: 1 NOAA\ 18 Priority: 1 NOAA\ 19 Priority: 1 Meteor\ 3-5 Priority: 2 Meteor\ 2-21 Priority: 1 Resurs\ O1-N4 Priority: 1 Okean-O Priority: 1 SICH-1 Priority: 1 SICH1M Priority: 1 GOES Priority: 5 GMS Priority: 5 MTSAT Priority: 5 Meteosat Priority: 5 NOAA 19 Catalogue Number: 33591 Auto-Decode: true Alt Sensor: 0 MSA 1: 50 MSA 2: 50 MSA 3: 0 Atmospheric Compensation: false Auto Save Options: true Save Temperature Data: false Check for New Version: true Update Sat Info: true Auto Record: false Auto Update Keplers: false Last Kepler Update: 0 Geometry: 783x624+0+36 Help Geometry: 783x510+32+126 Own Colormap: true Use UTC: true Tearoff Menus: false Image Set Background: false Maximum Thumbnails: 25 Log Messages: false Help Language: EN Help Font Size: +0 Date Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M Date Format with Seconds: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Show All: false Text Mode 1: 0 Text Mode 2: 0 Text String 1: %N\ fontsize=18,%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC\ fontsize=12,%D %E %z\ %r MHz Text String 2: Text Color 1: cyan Text Color 2: cyan Text Size 1: 26 Text Size 2: 18 Text X 1: c Text Y 1: 30 Text X 2: 10 Text Y 2: -30 Text on Movies: true Text on Composites: false Temp Scale: false Temp Black: false Projection: - Projection Reference Latitude: Projection Reference Longitude: Projection Bound North: Projection Bound South: Projection Bound West: Projection Bound East: Projection Resampling: bicubic Projection Scale: 1.000 Projection Min Fill: 0.1 Movie Projection Reference Latitude: Movie Projection Reference Longitude: Movie Projection Bound North: Movie Projection Bound South: Movie Projection Bound West: Movie Projection Bound East: Movie Projection Scale: 1.000 Auto Movie Template: %g-%e Auto Movie Enhancements: "contrast -b" "MCIR" Composite Projection Reference Latitude: Composite Projection Reference Longitude: Composite Projection Bound North: Composite Projection Bound South: Composite Projection Bound West: Composite Projection Bound East: Composite Projection Scale: 0.750 Auto Composite Template: %g-%@%Y%m%d-%p-%e Auto Composite Enhancements: "MSA" "MCIR" "HVCT" Composite Min Solar Elevation: 10.0 Web Page Template: /usr/local/lib/wx/template1.html Web Page Enhancement: MSA,MCIR,veg,Pristine Web Composite Enhancement: Web Page Thumbnail Size: 20.0 Web Page Filename: index.html Web Page FTP Publish: false Web Page FTP Passive: true Web Page FTP Host: Web Page FTP User: Web Page FTP Passphrase: Web Page FTP Directory: wxtoimg Web Page Folder Publish: true Web Page Folder: /home/pi/wxtoimg/web Web Page Add All: false Minimum Solar Elevation: 0.0 Exclude from Composites: Exclude from Web: Minimum Scan Lines: 0 Use MCIR if MSA fails: false Kepler Host: Kepler Login: Kepler Passphrase: Use Proxy: false Proxy Host: Proxy Port: 8080

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

Fabio 40.0113 -18.1624 117

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ephem
import time
import sys

timezone= +1 + time.localtime().tm_isdst
date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(int(sys.argv[1])-(timezone*60*60)))

obs.long='-18.1638' = date

sun = ephem.Sun(obs)
sun_angle = float(sun.alt) * 57.2957795 # Rad to deg
fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

they are in order as you asked for them

reynico commented 3 years ago

everything seems fine over there. could yo please upload the output of one or two entries of mail? those are the logs for the sat passes

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

To: pi@raspberrypi Message-Id: E1l0i8w-0005ZS-3o@raspberrypi From: pi@raspberrypi Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 10:45:14 +0100

INFO : Starting rtl_fm record Found 1 device(s): 0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner Tuner gain set to 49.60 dB. Tuner error set to 1 ppm. Tuned to 138392500 Hz. Oversampling input by: 32x. Oversampling output by: 1x. Buffer size: 4.27ms Sampling at 1920000 S/s. Output at 60000 Hz. Signal caught, exiting!

User cancel, exiting... INFO : Bulding pass map wxmap: warning: could not find matching pass to build overlay map. INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) wxtoimg: warning: no specific NOAA satellite (using NOAA 12/14 series model) wxtoimg: warning: No map to use for MSA enhancement INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) wxtoimg: warning: no specific NOAA satellite (using NOAA 12/14 series model) wxtoimg: warning: No map to use for MSA enhancement INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) INFO : Decoding image wxtoimg: error: could not open overlay map file '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png' Satellite: NOAA Status: signal processing............................ Gain: 14.6 Channel A: 1 (visible) Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/", line 23, in res = api.media_upload(filename) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tweepy/", line 231, in media_upload file_type = imghdr.what(filename, h=h) or mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 16, in what f = open(file, 'rb') FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/www/wx/image//NOAA1820210116-102634-MCIR-precip.jpg' rm: impossibile rimuovere '/home/pi/raspberry-noaa/map/NOAA1820210116-102634-map.png': File o directory non esistente INFO : Posting to Twitter INFO : Deleting audio files

reynico commented 3 years ago

okay, seems like your predict.qth settings are wrong, should be


(Lon negated)

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

ok i try to change i will tell you in the next step. Thanks

maxzega commented 3 years ago

Fabio is ok now with no negative longitude?

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

Fabio is ok now with no negative longitude?

No I always have the same problems, tomorrow I format and reinstall everything

maxzega commented 3 years ago

Ok Thanks for the info

fabiomarigliano commented 3 years ago

I solved by installing again. thank you all for the support I close