reynico / raspberry-noaa

Fully automated ISS SSTV, NOAA and Meteor satellite image downloader using Raspberry PI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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how can I check if the SDR is up 'n runing? #34

Closed DH0GME closed 4 years ago

DH0GME commented 4 years ago

First: an absolute cool project - congrat's !!! I've set up the hardware (PI4 2GB) with an Nooelec SDR . fresh rasbian, activated VNC. device seems to work in my WIFI enwironment, Twitter API tokens set - so good so fine. But how can I check online, if and how the RX is working while a NOAA is actually passing over me? Sorry I'm generation "windows", just making my first steps on penguin island... 73! Elmar | DH0GME

reynico commented 4 years ago

Hi Elmar! The raspberry-noaa workflow is kinda simple crontab -l will show you the scheduler setup:

1 0 * * * /home/pi/raspberry-noaa/

That means the script will run at 00:01 every day. The script downloads the kepler elements for each satellite we're interested (AKA noaa and meteor) and then builds a list of jobs that'll run during the day.

using atq shows the jobs that are scheduled for today, so each line is a satellite pass:

597 Thu Aug 20 18:39:00 2020 a pi
599 Thu Aug 20 21:51:00 2020 a pi
601 Thu Aug 20 20:24:00 2020 a pi
595 Thu Aug 20 20:22:00 2020 a pi

if you're interested in some particular pass, then do a at -c 601 where 601 is the id for the job. That shows some detailed information such as the satellite name, frequency, pass duration and max sat elevation

After a satellite pass is done and decoded open a browser to http://your.raspberry.pi.ip.address/ and navigate through the images folder, there you'll see your pictures.

DH0GME commented 4 years ago

Ni Nico, ok TU - that's explains the first part of the story - I haven't run the device over the night! But is it possible to "see" live, what the RX is doing while an image is in progress? Just for checking the antenna and rest of HF frontend is working properly... Best regards Elmar | DH0GME

reynico commented 4 years ago

Elmar, I wrote a small script to test the node reception. Please check:

SSH into your Raspberry PI, then

cd raspberry-noaa/
git fetch && git pull

to grab the script. Then you can run ./ 90.3 where 90.3 is the frequency you want to tune to test reception. I recommend any broadcast FM near you.

Regarding the Raspberry PI working hours, this is not a problem at all, but you will hace to execute /home/pi/raspberry-noaa/ every time you power-up your Raspberry PI (Can be automated during the startup process)

DH0GME commented 4 years ago

Hi Nico, tnx for your fast response - I'll try asap !!

DH0GME commented 4 years ago

Hi Nico - RX of images is working ( just have to optimize my antenna :-) )

I've pulled the update, but having trouble with the script: Using w/o parameter the correct error msg is visible, by adding the freq into the command line shows an issue in line 10: Line 10: log: command not found. (I've translated, the original text is in German)

# this works! if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 . Example: $0 90.3" exit 1 fi # this doesn't seem to work ?! command_exists() { if ! command -v "$1" &> /dev/null; then log "Required command not found: $1" "ERROR" exit 1 fi }

Am I wrong ?

reynico commented 4 years ago

Hi! That's my fault.

SSH into your Raspberry PI, then

cd raspberry-noaa/
git fetch && git pull

i pushed the fix already

DH0GME commented 4 years ago

Hi Nico, sorry to bother you, but something is still missing in my environment: (After the pull and a reboot)

pi@Pi4NOAA:~ $ cd raspberry-noaa pi@Pi4NOAA:~/raspberry-noaa $ ./ 98.4 Required command not found: socat ERROR pi@Pi4NOAA:~/raspberry-noaa $ ./ Usage: ./ . Example: ./ 90.3 pi@Pi4NOAA:~/raspberry-noaa $

BR Elmar

DH0GME commented 4 years ago

update: the other command "sox" is available from my directory (and sorry for the stange format in my comment above - HI) BR Elmar Elmar

reynico commented 4 years ago

Hi Elmar!

You need to install sox and socat,

sudo apt install sox socat
DH0GME commented 4 years ago

ups . sorry :-) - yep now it works - have to get my antenna a liitle higher and the coax a bit shorter.... TNX fer this project and your support!!!

reynico commented 4 years ago

glad it worked out well!