reyzor1991 / foundry-vtt-pf2e-action-support

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Sorting attacks on Doubleslice macro #49

Closed JamzTheMan closed 2 weeks ago

JamzTheMan commented 1 month ago

Could the double slice macro account for sorting and prefer Agile weapons for second strike?

e.g. +2 ‎Striking‎‎ ‎Wounding Rapier / +2 Striking Fearsome Shortsword currently sort alphabetically so it always puts the shortsword in the first attack dropdown making the Rapier -2 for not being agile.

Also, after the macro finishes, it leaves the "Double Slice Second Attack" checkbox toggle on and so you have to uncheck it each time if you want to do a third attack or a different attack next round. Preferably this would be unchecked after the macro is finished.

reyzor1991 commented 1 month ago

Check console, maybe some errors