reyzor1991 / pf2e-eidolon-helper

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[bug] Module is reference incorrectly #13

Closed bLanark closed 5 months ago

bLanark commented 5 months ago

In the current version, on a fresh install with only CC added, the share HP was not working. Console log reported the following error: image

Looking at the module JS function, I believe it should be referenced pf2e-eidolon-helper instead of all one word.


Other parts of the module seem to work, with the hypons, its just when they aren't there it all breaks.


Can you take a look and put out a bug fix please?

reyzor1991 commented 5 months ago

Check game.pf2eeidolonhelper in console. Looks like moodule not initialized

bLanark commented 5 months ago

Yep you are right, I didn't have the libWrapper module enabled, its now working when I installed that. Didn't notice the error message about the module.