rezakj / iCellR

Single (i) Cell R package (iCellR) is an interactive R package to work with high-throughput single cell sequencing technologies (i.e scRNA-seq, scVDJ-seq, scATAC-seq, CITE-Seq and Spatial Transcriptomics (ST)).
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no plots available for ADT data when using ADT + HTO #32

Open m3lorra opened 2 years ago

m3lorra commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I hope you can help me here. I've been following your tutorials to set up my data in the following order:

mat <-$RNA@data))
mat.adt <-$ADT@data))
mat.hto <-$HTO@data))

htos <- hto.anno( = mat.hto, cov.thr = 10, assignment.thr = 80)
htos <- subset(htos,htos$percent.match > 80)

# cell ids to hashtags
sample1 <- row.names(subset(htos,htos$assignment.annotation == "HTO1"))
sample1.rna <- mat[ , which(names(mat) %in% sample1)] <- data.aggregation(samples = c("sample1.rna","sample2.rna"), 
   condition.names = c("c","t"))
mat.icellr <- make.obj(

# Then add the adt data frame
mat.icellr <- add.adt(mat.icellr, = mat.adt)

# following with qc.stat and cell.filter

# normalize RNA
mat.icellr <-, norm.method = "ranked.glsf", top.rank = 500) 
# normalize ADT
mat.icellr <- norm.adt(mat.icellr)

# 2nd QC 
mat.icellr <- qc.stats(mat.icellr, = "")
# gene stats
mat.icellr <- gene.stats(mat.icellr, = "")
# genes for PCA
# merge RNA + ADT
mat.icellr <- adt.rna.merge(mat.icellr, = "main")
# run PCA and so on. 

Using this workflow I cannot plot anything using the "ADT_ab". However, when I use the ADT data alone, I'm able to do it. I checked the dataframe from both objects and they seem the same, just that when I use HTO I got less cells as I removed duplicates and negatives

Object with ADT + HTO

,--. ,-----.       ,--.,--.,------.
`--''  .--./ ,---. |  ||  ||  .--. '
,--.|  |    | .-. :|  ||  ||  '--'.'
|  |'  '--'\   --. |  ||  ||  |
`--' `-----' `----'`--'`--'`--' '--'
An object of class iCellR version: 1.6.5
Raw/original data dimentions (rows,columns): 32285,11236
Data conditions in raw data: o,y (5822,5414)
Row names: 0610005C13Rik,0610006L08Rik,0610009B22Rik ...
   QC stats performed:TRUE, PCA performed:TRUE
   Clustering performed:FALSE, Number of clusters:0
   tSNE performed:FALSE, UMAP performed:TRUE, DiffMap performed:FALSE
   Main data dimensions (rows,columns): 32310,9840
   Data conditions in main data:o,y(4958,4882)
   Normalization factors:0.689367228711468,...
   Imputed data dimensions (rows,columns):0,0
############## scVDJ-seq ###########
VDJ data dimentions (rows,columns):0,0
############## CITE-seq ############
   ADT raw data  dimensions (rows,columns):25,13190
   ADT main data  dimensions (rows,columns):25,13190
   ADT columns names:AAACCCAAGCAGGCAT...
   ADT row names:ADT_B220...
############## scATAC-seq ############
   ATAC raw data  dimensions (rows,columns):0,0
   ATAC main data  dimensions (rows,columns):0,0
   ATAC columns names:...
   ATAC row names:...
############## Spatial ###########
Spatial data dimentions (rows,columns):0,0
########### iCellR object ##########

ADT_B220          0.000000          0.00000         0.000000
ADT_CD115         9.870273          0.00000         3.290091
ADT_CD11b         0.000000         16.85752       101.145095
ADT_CD11c         0.000000         90.52983         0.000000
ADT_CD127         0.000000          0.00000        77.677947
ADT_Flt3         27.195452         45.32575        27.195452

Object with ADT only

,--. ,-----.       ,--.,--.,------.
`--''  .--./ ,---. |  ||  ||  .--. '
,--.|  |    | .-. :|  ||  ||  '--'.'
|  |'  '--'\   --. |  ||  ||  |
`--' `-----' `----'`--'`--'`--' '--'
An object of class iCellR version: 1.6.5
Raw/original data dimentions (rows,columns): 32285,13190
Data conditions: no conditions/single sample
Row names: Xkr4,Gm1992,Gm19938 ...
   QC stats performed:TRUE, PCA performed:TRUE
   Clustering performed:FALSE, Number of clusters:0
   tSNE performed:FALSE, UMAP performed:TRUE, DiffMap performed:FALSE
   Main data dimensions (rows,columns): 32310,11278
   Normalization factors:0.640626466090974,...
   Imputed data dimensions (rows,columns):0,0
############## scVDJ-seq ###########
VDJ data dimentions (rows,columns):0,0
############## CITE-seq ############
   ADT raw data  dimensions (rows,columns):25,13190
   ADT main data  dimensions (rows,columns):25,13190
   ADT columns names:AAACCCAAGCAGGCAT...
   ADT row names:ADT_B220...
############## scATAC-seq ############
   ATAC raw data  dimensions (rows,columns):0,0
   ATAC main data  dimensions (rows,columns):0,0
   ATAC columns names:...
   ATAC row names:...
############## Spatial ###########
Spatial data dimentions (rows,columns):0,0
########### iCellR object ##########

ADT_B220          0.000000          0.00000         0.000000
ADT_CD115         9.870273          0.00000         3.290091
ADT_CD11b         0.000000         16.85752       101.145095
ADT_CD11c         0.000000         90.52983         0.000000
ADT_CD127         0.000000          0.00000        77.677947
ADT_Flt3         27.195452         45.32575        27.195452

If I do

A = gene.plot(my.obj, 
    gene = "ADT_Flt3", = "umap",
    interactive = F,
    cell.transparency = 0.5

Works as expected in the ADT only object, otherwise I get just a grey plot with no signal of expression. I would appreciate if you can help me to point out the reason.
