reziamini / laravel-easypanel

A beautiful and flexible admin panel creator based on Livewire for Laravel
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Files are not being generated properly #7

Closed mgrWetales closed 3 years ago

mgrWetales commented 3 years ago

After crud generation files are not being generated properly. Controllers are showing on the root with names like below.


Screenshot from 2021-02-18 14-40-29

I am using EasyPanel with Laravel Framework 8.27.0 and installed Jetstream with livewire as well.

reziamini commented 3 years ago

Could you please give me a screenshot of your directory structure?

mgrWetales commented 3 years ago

I am using a docker container. Screenshot from 2021-02-18 15-07-28 directory-structure.txt

reziamini commented 3 years ago

I guess it's because of your coding production and Directory separator. I pushed a force release with 1.3.3 tag. Reinstall package with --no-cache flag in composer then remove files and try this version out .

mgrWetales commented 3 years ago

It worked but only the controller got generated, views, routes, and other things didn't happen.

Also, the user is not being converted to admin with the flag is_superuser in the user's table. Command-line showing it's done.

Screenshot from 2021-02-18 15-33-31 Screenshot from 2021-02-18 15-30-29

reziamini commented 3 years ago

There two directories, "app" and "App" right? please tell me about the information and structure of "App" directory, I think your OS care about capitalizied word

mgrWetales commented 3 years ago

Yes, right, I am using Ubuntu and it strictly case sensitive. See screenshot: Screenshot from 2021-02-19 10-36-07

reziamini commented 3 years ago

You can update with --no-cache flag in the composer this problem has been fixed.

mgrWetales commented 3 years ago

Yes, this problem has been fixed.

Other issues are still there:

  1. sail artisan panel:add [user_id] this command is not working, the is_superuser DB value is not changing to 1

  2. When I made it manually and ran, got below error: image

  3. I didn't run command for article but article views got generated: Screenshot from 2021-02-19 15-40-43

reziamini commented 3 years ago

About is_superuser I have been working on this. Because of article crud example, other 2 problems will be made. I will remove this example in new version. Do these steps: 1 - Remove resources/cruds/article.php 2 - Remove article key in config/easy_panel.php in actions key. 3 - Run sail artisan panel:crud -f

mgrWetales commented 3 years ago

Wow, good job done bro, it worked. Thank you :)

Few more things I noticed:

  1. My todo feature is false in the easy_panel.php but still todo directory got created under resources/views/vendor/admin/livewire/todo Screenshot from 2021-02-19 16-03-38 Screenshot from 2021-02-19 16-03-19

  2. Article views are still there under resources/views/livewire/admin/article Screenshot from 2021-02-19 16-08-07

  3. Admin user should be redirected to the admin panel by default, for now, I am changing the URL and navigating to the admin panel.

reziamini commented 3 years ago

TODOs file should be generated anyway because you can run migrations and set TODOfeature as true and todo should be shown just with a refresh. In the new release, we don't have article examples anymore. Redirect automatically isn't a good choice, sometimes you don't want to see the admin panel and it's not a good action to redirect. In the future, we will create new commands to delete actions and manage them better.

Thank you for your time that spends.

mgrWetales commented 3 years ago

Cool, I will be waiting for the update to make the user a superuser.

One more question :) resources/views/vendor/admin/livewire/todo/ resources/views/livewire/admin/user/

Why todo view files are at a different location?

Can't we use one directory "admin" under the views folder to place layouts and other module views to make it simple? livewire & vendor/livewire folders are really required?

reziamini commented 3 years ago

Both of them are required. Because of conflict with other packages, we put base files in different directories.