reznok / GMCAbilitySystem

An Unreal Engine plugin that adds an ability system to the General Movement Component plugin
MIT License
27 stars 12 forks source link

Simple compability for engine compilation + crash fix #56

Closed Aherys closed 2 months ago

Aherys commented 2 months ago
Packetdancer commented 2 months ago

For what it's worth, I'm going to recommend holding off on merging this in just yet; some changes may conflict with the rewrite to how attributes are replicated in pull request 55.

(The addition of categories to all UPROPERTY entries to allow GMAS to be compiled as an engine plugin is a change still worth merging in separately.)

Aherys commented 2 months ago

Understood, on the need we could split this pull request in two part or wait PR55 and we will ensure this PR doesn't have any conflict with it. I think we will also do this for future pull request to simplify revision, instead of bundling features/fix/enhancements.

Aherys commented 2 months ago

Pull request close, switched to dev branch and crash change will be re-implemented with PR55