rezoner / playground

Playground.js is a framework for your javascript based games. It gives you out-of-box access to essentials like mouse, keyboard, sound and well designed architecture that you can expand to your needs.
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How to stop current tween? #12

Closed rezoner closed 9 years ago

rezoner commented 9 years ago

First of all app.tween(object)

Creates a new instance of a tween. You can have multiple concurent tweens. So how to stop a tween before running another one?

Method 1

Save reference to a tween and stop it before calling another one.

var current = app.tween(turtle).to({ x: 100, y: 200 }).loop();

/* later in the code you want to call another tween */


Method 2

Use .discard() to kill all other tweens attached to the object.

app.tween(turtle).to({ x: 100, y: 200}).loop();

/* later in the code */

app.tween(turtle).discard().to({ x: 200, y: 300}).loop();

/* discard() killed all previous tweens */
luizbills commented 9 years ago

my suggestion: .destroy to discard and destroy. .stop to just stop and .resume to resume.