rezoner / playground

Playground.js is a framework for your javascript based games. It gives you out-of-box access to essentials like mouse, keyboard, sound and well designed architecture that you can expand to your needs.
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Howler Plugin on Android 5.1 #52

Open karneaud opened 7 years ago

karneaud commented 7 years ago

I created a Howler Plugin

PLAYGROUND.Howl = function(app) {
  app.loadAudio = function(audio, opts) {
    let url = this.getPath("sounds").concat(audio,".", this.preferedAudioFormat || '.mp3' ) = new Howl({
      src: [ url ],
      format: [ this.preferedAudioFormat || "mp3" ],
      autoplay: false,
      loop: false,
      preload: true
    })'load', () => {'loaded')
    } )

PLAYGROUND.Howl.plugin = true

but when I try to run the plugin using

new PLAYGROUND.Application({
  smoothing: true,
  loaded: false,
  preferedAudioFormat: "mp3",
  create() {
    /* things to preload */
    this.loadAudio("UR-FullExtreme-Voice") // Audio file

then on a State....

create: function() {

    this.soundId =

it works on the following IE10 Mobile, iOS7, macOS Safari & Opera

But does not play( well it says its playing but I hear no volume) on Android 5.1 browser

I thought maybe I needed to do a click event so I on the state

create: function(){
 var a = document.body;
    a.addEventListener('touchstart', () => {
    //  window.alert('ok')'clicked');
      try {
        this.soundId =
      } catch (e) {
      } finally {;

Which I tried triggering the click event both programmatically and manually

But no go. Can you give me some advice here on how to workaround this Android 5.1 bug....?

rezoner commented 7 years ago

Is Howler working without playgroundjs on android 5.1?

karneaud commented 7 years ago

@rezoner yes it is.

rezoner commented 7 years ago

this.preferedAudioFormat || '.mp3'

it resolves to

"ogg" || ".mp3"

Maybe prefered audio on android is OGG and in that case you are missing the dot.

Or the other way around - prefered audio is MP3 and you have two dots.

rezoner commented 7 years ago

Ok on a second thought - that's a bad point - because I think preferedAudio is always set so it never gets to || ".mp3" part

karneaud commented 7 years ago

@rezoner No. everything functions as expected on other devices. The problem specifically exists for Android 5.1 device

I tested with ogg, webm and mp3

Does the framework prevent further bubbling on click events?

rezoner commented 7 years ago

Maybe forcing it to use one of audio formats will solve the thing?

app.loadAudio = function(audio, opts) {
   this.preferedAudioFormat = "mp3"
karneaud commented 7 years ago

@rezoner Yeah. tried that as well as mp3 was the default until I started running into this problem. As stated the code works on all other devices that I have. The audio works outside of the playgroundjs code. I think on Android 5.1 there needs to be a user interaction in order to initiate the play. However even with it being programmatically done it does not play( even though play events are triggered)..

rezoner commented 7 years ago

If you think that's the case you can check it out rather quickly:

app = playground({
  touchstart() {
    this.loader.once("ready", () => {

by playSound I of course mean the method you are using to play sound with howler

karneaud commented 7 years ago

@rezoner should I explicitly use touchstart() or would the "pointer" do? As I was trying to initiate it with pointerdown but didn't seem to work. Will try the options out. Thanks.

rezoner commented 7 years ago

pointerdown is perfectly fine