rezoo / movis

Python library for video editing, presentation video generation, motion graphics, shader art coding, and other video production tasks
MIT License
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Pop text example #31

Closed elijahsgh closed 7 months ago

elijahsgh commented 7 months ago

This is a small example to show users how to add text that pops in over a narrated video.

This type of pop-in text is popular with YouTube Shorts, etc, and Movis made it easy to add animated text.

rezoo commented 7 months ago

Thank you for sending the PR! I cannot work during the daytime on weekends, but I would like to review in detail afterwards. Please wait a little 🏃‍♀️

rezoo commented 7 months ago

I confirmed that it worked in my environment. There are still some minor tasks such as flake8 and .gitignore, which I would like to implement. Thank you very much!