rfael0cm / RTIGER

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object 'post_post.processing' not found #13

Open kallol0729 opened 11 months ago

kallol0729 commented 11 months ago


I was trying the tutorial to check if I can properly run the package. However, I am getting an error message as below:

Error in RTIGER(expDesign = expDesign, outputdir = output_dir, seqlengths = chr_len, : object 'post_post.processing' not found

I tried changing the 'rigidity' parameter and it did not help.

My script is given below:

library("RTIGER") library("Gviz") library("rtracklayer")



Get paths to example allele count files originating from a

cross between Col-0 and Ler accession of the A.thaliana

file_paths = list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "RTIGER"), full.names = TRUE)

Get sample names

sampleIDs <- basename(file_paths)

Create the expDesign object

expDesign = data.frame(files=file_paths, name=sampleIDs)


Get chromosome lengths for the example data included in the package

chr_len <- RTIGER::ATseqlengths names(chr_len) <- c('Chr1' , 'Chr2', 'Chr3', 'Chr4', 'Chr5') print(chr_len) output_dir <- "C:/my_test_data"

myres = RTIGER(expDesign = expDesign, outputdir = output_dir, seqlengths = chr_len, rigidity = 20, save.results = TRUE)

rfael0cm commented 11 months ago

Hi Kallo, could you run it with verbose = TRUE and print the results again here?. Also, are you sure you have the latest version installed? Best, Rafael

kallol0729 commented 11 months ago

Hi Rafael!

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I could successfully run on the example data by adding 'autotune = TRUE'. I have also tried adding 'verbose = TRUE' with 'autotune = FALSE' but it yields the same error.

However, when I try to implement it on my dataset it gives me a different error:

**Loading data and generating RTIGER object. Using 2 states for fitting. [1] "Loading file: C:/Users/Mahmood Hasan/OneDrive - University of Florida/Doctoral studies/mop1_project/rtiger/WT/W5.txt"

Fitting the parameters and Viterbi decoding. post processing value is: TRUE R value autotune is: TRUE Fitting an RTIGER object with the R provided by the user. Optimizing the R parameter. Error in params[["paraBetaAlpha"]][state, 1] : subscript out of bounds**

My script is here:


file_paths <- list.files("C:/Users/Mahmood Hasan/OneDrive - University of Florida/Doctoral studies/mop1_project/rtiger/WT", full.names = TRUE)
sampleIDs <- basename(file_paths)
expDesign = data.frame(files=file_paths, name=sampleIDs)


chromosome_lengths <- c(308452471, 243675191, 238017767, 250330460, 226353449,
                        181357234, 185808916, 182411202, 163004744, 152435371)

chromosome_names <- c("Chr1", "Chr2", "Chr3", "Chr4", "Chr5",
                      "Chr6", "Chr7", "Chr8", "Chr9", "Chr10")

chr_len <- setNames(chromosome_lengths, chromosome_names)

output_dir <- "C:/Users/Mahmood Hasan/OneDrive - University of Florida/Doctoral studies/mop1_project/rtiger"
myres <- RTIGER(expDesign = expDesign,
                outputdir = output_dir,
                seqlengths = chr_len,
                rigidity = 8,
                save.results = TRUE)

Best regards, Mahmood

rfael0cm commented 11 months ago

Dear Mahmood, thank you very much for sending me the code and the output. I now see which is the problem. Our autotune algorithm has been only developed for 3 states, which we thought would be the most common. For other number of states, please, run autotune = TRUE but using three states and use the R value obtained in this process as guide to fit the RTIGER object with 2 states and autotune = FALSE. Does it make sense? Please let me know if this fixes the problem. Best, Rafael

kallol0729 commented 11 months ago

Hi Rafael!

Thank you so much for your kind response. I will try that and let you know the outcome.

Best, Mahmood