rfc-editor / draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve

Hashing to Elliptic Curves
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Section 10.6: step 10 #37

Closed sginoza closed 1 year ago

sginoza commented 1 year ago

Section 10.6: For ease of the reader, may we change "(step 10)" to "(Section 5.3.1, step 10)" here (along the lines of "(Section 5.3.1, step 4)" in the text of Section 10.7, method 3)?

Original: The essential difference between the construction of [CDMP05] and expand_message_xmd is that the latter hashes a counter appended to strxor(b0, b(i - 1)) (step 10) rather than to b_0.

sginoza commented 1 year ago

it doesn't hurt, however we should use a reference {#hashtofield-expand-xmd}

good suggestion - updated.