Open Luo2Jie2 opened 3 years ago
This seems reasonable to me.
ceterum censeo: The Relax-NG needs to be streamlined to have a single name for all the block-level elements that go into all the elements that accept block-level elements. No point picking different sets for different ones based on a hunch that then turns out to be false.
Not only blocks. I wrote an SGML DTD for myself which looked much better when I used the entities:
<!ENTITY % art "artset | artwork" >
<!ENTITY % block "blockquote | figure | sourcecode | t" >
<!ENTITY % emph "bcp14 | em | strong | sub | sup | tt" >
<!ENTITY % lists "dl | ol | ul" >
<!ENTITY % post "extaddr | pobox | street | cityarea | city |
region | code | sortingcode | country | postalLine |
phone | email" >
<!ENTITY % ref "cref | eref | iref | relref | xref" >
I discovered that I had to add exclusions for blockquote to th, td and dd. Roger
ceterum censeo: The Relax-NG needs to be streamlined to have a single name for all the block-level elements that go into all the elements that accept block-level elements. No point picking different sets for different ones based on a hunch that then turns out to be false.
Captured via #200
I would like to suggest that sourcecode be added to the content model of aside. See Roger