whois2.afilias-grs.net is listed as the server for .vc and .lc . There is no working whois server at that address as I type this. The afilias-grs.net domain seems to have lapsed at some point. It is no longer owned by Identity Digital, the successor organization to Afilias, but by some kinda sketchy-seeming domain parking/expired-domain-swooping operation named dropcatch/parklogic , as best as I can tell (whois for afilias-grs.net lists DropCatch.com as the owner, addresses on afilias-grs.net seem to redirect to parklogic.com ).
I would guess the most appropriate server name now is likely whois.identitydigital.services (as whois.nic.vc and whois.nic.lc don't seem to be set up), but it would probably be good to clarify this with the folks who look after the vc and lc TLDs?
whois2.afilias-grs.net is listed as the server for .vc and .lc . There is no working whois server at that address as I type this. The afilias-grs.net domain seems to have lapsed at some point. It is no longer owned by Identity Digital, the successor organization to Afilias, but by some kinda sketchy-seeming domain parking/expired-domain-swooping operation named dropcatch/parklogic , as best as I can tell (whois for afilias-grs.net lists DropCatch.com as the owner, addresses on afilias-grs.net seem to redirect to parklogic.com ).
I would guess the most appropriate server name now is likely whois.identitydigital.services (as whois.nic.vc and whois.nic.lc don't seem to be set up), but it would probably be good to clarify this with the folks who look after the vc and lc TLDs?