rfetick / MPU6050_light

Lightweight, fast and simple library to communicate with the MPU6050
MIT License
126 stars 36 forks source link

mpu6050 status #16

Closed zfranco55 closed 2 years ago

zfranco55 commented 2 years ago

I changed the value of the following line in MPU6050_light.h #define MPU6050_ADDR 0x68 from: 0x68 to 0x69. the example sketch shows me on the serial monitor the writing: MPU6050 status: 4 what is it due to? the code i am using with cpu stm32 (mini maple) in the arduino ide.

rfetick commented 2 years ago

The MPU6050 library status code is forwarded from the Arduino Wire library. Please have a look at it.

Kind regards,
