rfetick / MPU6050_light

Lightweight, fast and simple library to communicate with the MPU6050
MIT License
126 stars 36 forks source link

Fustion with magnetometer #27

Closed batata004 closed 2 years ago

batata004 commented 2 years ago

Hi my friend, have you ever tried fusing this library of yours with data from magnetometer to prevent drift on the gyro? If so, could you point me in the right direction?

BTW, your library is really great! Works perfectly and apart from the drift on yaw, its produces an awesome result!

rfetick commented 2 years ago

Hello batata004,

No I have never tried this, but obviously merging MPU6050 data with other sensors (GPS, magnetometer) would help in estimating the system state. I would recommand you to use Kalman filter to do so. I have written a Kalman filter library, but you can also find other libraries.

