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Cryptark: Crash on collecting artifact (SetAchievement) - Steam version #28

Closed rfht closed 6 years ago

rfht commented 6 years ago

this function may be missing from the libSteamworksNative.so stub

full backtrace:

276-Central Core Neutralized                                                                       
TRYING TO GET Revenue - GOT 0                                                                      
06:55:37.244-CRASH: Update                                                                         
06:55:37.259-Line: 0 -                                                                             
06:55:37.265-System.EntryPointNotFoundException: SetAchievement                                    
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Steamworks.Steam+Stats.SetAchievement(string)                     
  at Medusa.ScreenManager.UnlockArtifact (System.String className, System.Boolean ShowDialogEvenIfUn
locked) [0x00087] in <57aa6fc09a4347e685acfaf800260ba0>:0                                          
  at Medusa.EnemySelect.StartDebrief () [0x007b4] in <57aa6fc09a4347e685acfaf800260ba0>:0          
  at Medusa.EnemySelect.LoadContent () [0x00467] in <57aa6fc09a4347e685acfaf800260ba0>:0           
  at Medusa.ScreenManager.AddScreen (Medusa.GameScreen screen) [0x00019] in <57aa6fc09a4347e685acfaf
  at Medusa.CryptarkGame.EndLevel (Medusa.EnemyOption enemy, System.Boolean victory, System.Boolean
abandoned) [0x00407] in <57aa6fc09a4347e685acfaf800260ba0>:0                                       
  at Medusa.Nemesis.Update (Medusa.Engine Engine) [0x0006b] in <57aa6fc09a4347e685acfaf800260ba0>:0
  at Medusa.CryptarkGame.Update (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime, System.Boolean otherScre
enHasFocus, System.Boolean coveredByOtherScreen) [0x00c86] in <57aa6fc09a4347e685acfaf800260ba0>:0 
  at Medusa.ScreenManager.Update (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) [0x00424] in <57aa6fc09
  at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) [0x00078] in <4
  at Medusa.Start.Update (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) [0x00005] in <57aa6fc09a4347e68
06:55:37.278-Total Memory: 253281KB
06:55:37.278-v1.2 - 09/20/2017 - 20:10:26
06:55:37.284-<--- Log has been written to: /home/thfr/.local/share/Cryptark/Logs/12-ryze-up.domain-4
06:55:38.526-Upload File Complete, status 226-110584 Kbytes used (1%) - authorized: 10240000 Kb    
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.088 seconds (measured here), 56.98 Kbytes per second
rfht commented 6 years ago

fixed by stubbing the functions SetAchievement() and CommitStats() in the libSteamworksNative.so.