rfidtool / ESP-RFID-Tool

A tool for logging data/testing devices with a Wiegand Interface. Can be used to create a portable RFID reader or installed directly into an existing installation. Provides access to a web based interface using WiFi in AP or Client mode. Will work with nearly all devices that contain a standard 5V Wiegand interface. Primary target group is 26-37bit HID Cards. Similar to the Tastic RFID Thief, Blekey, and ESPKey.
MIT License
492 stars 93 forks source link

Unable to flash self-compiled source #12

Closed shellster closed 1 year ago

shellster commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am attempting to test some modifications to the code (will PR when ready). However, I have been unable to get any image that I compile to run successfully. When I compile even master (unchanged) from this repo, the resulting flash attempt results in a "bricked" RFID Tool. I can use esptool.py to flash the last release bin and it works without issue. I assume the settings in my Arduino IDE are not accurate, but in spite of tweaking these settings a bunch of times, I can't seem to get something that works. Was hoping you could provide more information on what settings you are using to compile the official releases. I'm currently using Arduino IDE 1.8.15. I am using the board definition "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)" from https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json.

Leaving all other settings as default (though I've also tried tweaking the FS/OTA settings).

One thing I've noticed, the last official bin from this repo looks like this when I look at the image with esptool.py:

python esptool.py image_info esprfidtool.bin
esptool.py v3.0
Image version: 1
Entry point: 4010f29c
1 segments

Segment 1: len 0x00568 load 0x4010f000 file_offs 0x00000008 []
Checksum: 2d (valid)

Whenever I generate an image it has two segments:

python esptool.py image_info esprfidtool.ino.nodemcu.bin
esptool.py v3.0
Image version: 1
Entry point: 4010f494
2 segments

Segment 1: len 0x00d84 load 0x4010f000 file_offs 0x00000008 []
Segment 2: len 0x00028 load 0x3fff20b8 file_offs 0x00000d94 [DRAM]
Checksum: c9 (valid)
shellster commented 1 year ago

Issue is the need to annotate interrupt handlers with ICACHE_RAM_ATTR these days. I'll add to my PR